Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday February 15

Early this morning  my head hurt a lot, I am feeling the shunt hurting.

Dr Zoner in St. Barbara checked it back on time and it said  everything  was OK.

 Melissa at AAC  told me  it is not possible that there is anything wrong with the shunt and that I have to manage the stress.
Yet I am feeling a sharp pain at the top right corner of my head where my shunt is actually located.

Call it a coincidence, call it what you like, bottom line when it hurts it hurts a lot.
This is what I am reporting as my personal observation and feeling.

It is hard  to manage the stress in a very stressful environment like AAC.

Anyway I am in a different place right now and things are improving.

The day is nice and I noticed this feature in the sky, it is an airplane trail.

I love airplane, I used to spent a lot of time in the air before.

That is right  I used to do a lot of things before all  that I do not do anymore...
I have not adjusted to this new diminished capacity and  reality of mine.
They ask me why you do not go home? 

Well the situation is that I can not go home. Because of our family situation.

Anyway let's carry on.
Right  now I am more interested on my own head.

To repeat my self at   AAC Melissa confirmed the usual notion. It is repeating herself. They keep telling me there is nothing wrong with my shunt, 

I just have to learn to manage the stress. 

Oh yes because this stress comes from being confined at AAC . In  seeing all sort of shapes and modes of Injury that this landscape is offering me to see. This is stressful to me.

 For that reason I am taking almost daily  a Tylenol or an  Advil on a daily basis.
Until my liver fails or my body gives in whichever comes first.

 That is the game I am  playing at CNS.

At AAC I am spending as little time as possible. 
I am only allowed to leave at 11 am.

I am reading the newspaper of the day- serve my time - and then leave.

Even those few minutes are enough for me to generate a sharp recurring pain to my head.
They stress me out really significantly.

Anyway CNS knows very well about it.

Miss Amanda is always kind to me. She is a very helpful person.

My yummy breakfast.

Oatmeal cooked the day before and kept in the refrigerator.

A lot of Chia Seed with a yogurt, Cereal with High Fiber medley.

Some coffee with frothed milk.

Today I had the day of the receipt for Money Management  completed.
The usual occurrence of a Wednesday.

My body is getting better. I have a sharp pain in my right back chick near the attachment to my back spine.
I realized my sciatic nerve might be inflamed.  
This is where the pain in my back might be  coming from.

I might have been doing too much stepper exercise at the gym.
The fact is that it is good for me to work on it.
I can try to hot and cold compress application to keep the pain under control.

Yesterday evening I stayed back at the apartment.
I have been writing to my family and cooking a healthy minestrone soup.

Here is the letter I wrote to our kids.

I took care of my food supply.
I had a lot of potatoes that where sprouting. I cleaned  a few  and made a soup with it.

 I cut it in half some others and planted in my balcony with the aim of having a potatoes plants very soon. According to the web I will be having a new plant is about 10 weeks according to this source.
I should have potatoes at about early May time.

Anyway for me this is a botanical experiment.

I  cooked a healthy minestrone soup. With the aim of using all the above mentioned potatoes first.
Celery, carrot and Quinoa in the soup.

When ready I used Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese to dress.

I had a quick and healthy lunch,

A left over soup from yesterday, an apple and an orange.
Very quickly in the kitchen downstairs.

I had a cup of coffee brushed my teeth and here we go.

I called my mother in Italy. She is doing fine.

She is having friends around her.

We talked about my latest botanical experiments with planting potatoes.

She reminded me of the time when in S. Gregorio (a farm house we had near Verona) my  brother Francesco found under the sink a sprouted potato. 
The poor thing was living in the dark and thriving on its own. 
So you see potatoes plants are very resilient.

My mother told me she has received a letter of mine.  I mailed it to her  on Feb 7 about 8 days ago.

This time the mail to Italy has been really really fast.

Normally the way around takes longer. 
I enjoy writing a lot. I write to my mother and to my kids as much as I can.

It is something I  have always been doing on my own.
My mother found some old letters from me when I was a little kid in Italy.
Little pearls of wisdom that remain in time.

By the way I found an interesting item  available on line.
It is also available at Walmart.

It is a USB powered cup warmer. It is for working on a computer while the coffee is kept warm.

Somebody has already invented and actually made it.

It is OK the point is that it does exist.

Similar minds think alike.

Later today I have the new schedule to distribute at the apartment as nobody else is doing it.

Obviously this is called initiative.

I then will book for a movie on Saturday... we will see how it goes this time.
Finally it will be time for me to go to the gym: cycle and body pump tonight
this is the plan anyway.

The forecast is that there will be rain starting tomorrow until Saturday.

We will see how it goes.

There has been already a lot of rain for this year.

Enjoy the reading

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