Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday February 9 2017

It is a good day overall.
I am sleeping better and better.
I went to the AAC where our |Case Manager Jolanta mentioned that soon we are going to be located to a new and improved clinic.

She will follow up with more information and a timeline on this matter.

I have been reading the newspaper before and after the communication to our community.

Then at 11 am I signed out from AAC and came here at the Homes of Hope for my work program. As I  do every day of the week

I am editing this entry using Word program in the computer as there is no Internet access thus far today. It will become available later during today.

This morning I had the last part of the money management completed. 

I had extra an $28 from my personal account. In addition, I had my regular $75 for grocery and $24 for outing.  I had been told in advance that my personal account was low and CNS had not received a check from my wife Simona.

As a matter of fact, I have enough personal cash and I am set for the time being. I am sure it is going to last me a little while.  

The truth of the matter is that credit cards over the phone are no longer accepted in Bakersfield. I had already confronted this situation before in a store for my eyeglass.

Call it a sign of the time.

This morning I had received a 50 cents coin. I am going to keep it and give it to the boys. I am sure they are going to enjoy this gift.
To be fair each of them will receive 50 cents.  They must agree on the one who gets it in the form of a single coin.

Today I had a really strong pain in my shunt. I felt it in my inner skull, I felt the wire attached to my shunt on the right-hand side of my brain. It was going all the way through my skull.

I had a Tylenol from Nursing and that is it.  It took it away for the time being.

Today no coffee just water. 

I had a good walk early this morning in the park.

Regarding the money, this is a long standing issue of my Personal Account.

It would be resolved by setting a simple automatic payment from our bank (Wells Fargo) into the CNS account. It would be set to work automatically every so often in a way that it would take away the uncertainty associated with this matter once and for all. Perhaps I am thinking in a way that would makes things more efficient. Anyway just a suggestion regarding this matter.

Yesterday evening I went to the gym. I had cycle with Cassie Marie Tessandori  and body pump with Sylvia Walker. Cassie mentioned that her mom   went to visit a relative of hers in a different place in California. Sylvia was at the gym looking after her daughter.

Yesterday I must have pumped my body too much, as this morning I woke up with my shunt hurting.

It is always the same story, whenever I am doing any strenuous effort the next day my head hurts.

My mother from Italy is telling me I should be more careful and take things a bit with a bit more relaxed attitude.

 I don't appreciate being left in the dark about things that are of my pertinence. I have always been  that way, it is ingrained in my very nature.

Whenever there is a situation that involves a lack o money that are supposed to be there occurs I am left speechless and then unable to understand.

My shunt  is hurting specifically because I am exposed to witness really hard things to witness at CNS. People smoking around, cursing and all sort of different behaviors.
I am just reporting as a reporter what I see on the scene. If you do not like the reading just skip the section.

I am forced to witness it all. This is part of my head flipping completely out, and my shunt hurting that much.

You call it therapy... I call it a way to have my  shunt hurts, no matter how much Buspirone you give me.
I take Buspirone twice a day as the doctor prescribed to do so. He should prescribe me a little vacation from this place. It is a really hard place for me to be.

 It is every day the same story, you give me Buspirone and then I am thrown  back in that mix again.

I should perhaps stop going to AAC all together to defend my head a bit.

In my opinion it  is a legitimate case of self defense, medically  motivated.

My mother sent me from Italy the following card for Valentine Day. It is S. Valentino In Italy.

I am sure you all love will appreciate Picasso's art.

It is a simple composition based on a Picasso painting with title Le Bagnanti. Here is the link to his work (The bathers)
Picasso's  painting style is called Cubism and Picasso is a world renowned painter.
It is art by Picasso.

I like the way my mother composed Picasso's work with a great background.
It shows her artistic wit.

Her neighbors in Italy all prized  her artistic capability at work.

I believe  the European way of looking at work of art is recognized internationally.
I had my own full fulling breakfast this morning as I had to wake up at 5pm waiting for technician  of the blood drawn.

I was given a coin worth 50 cents, It is kept for my kids.

My lunch...chicken broth with Quinoa and veggie.

As I have duly been reminded today by Jolanta B. I call it a disable lunch..

Because she rubbed my face once more into the disable pitch of the conversation.

My humble opinion...
CNS is interested in harnessing the Insurance money and keeping me disable for as much as possible..
It would be act otherwise by making some due change to the so called therapy,
Giuseppe Rossi

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