Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday February 16 2017

I have slept well and fine.

This morning Miss Araceli gave me some Tylenol for my head as it was hurting so bad  inside in the right side. This is the usual recurring issue I have, nothing new under the sun. It is rather  painful to experience.

It might be related to the weather as well. Changing atmospheric pressure.
The sky this morning was getting ready for raining as you can see from this picture.

The forecast is such that the rain will be over Bakersfield for a whole week.

However this morning the  park here was really nice and sunny. 
The day felt really warm and pleasant.
The all weather  suddenly flipped on itself in a heart bit. And it is raining right after lunch.

Whenever there is a change of pressure in the air my shunt hurts.

It also hurts due to external factors. Noscete ispum it is said.
It means Know thyself, it is a Latin aphorism.
I mean that I am expecting my shunt to hurt on a regular basis nowadays.

I had a healthy breakfast.

I used the Oatmeal I had cooked ahead of time, then I  had a bowl of  Cereal, milk and Blueberry.
Also a couple of Slices of Whole Wheat Bread with peanut butter and Organic raw Honey.

Enough for the day.

Oh yes don't forget my coffee with frothed milk.

As expected this morning I had money management completed.

It was $75 for Grocery shopping and $24 for outing.

I  have more than  enough to get by on a week by week basis. 

I am better be careful with the money as my family is being careful as well.

My food bill is always the biggest of my bill. I like to buy all food Organic and make my food from scratch.
I like to cook and I believe I am a talented individual when it comes to cooking.
I make sure to use all the food expiring first and I seldom find in the situation to dispose of any bad food.

I  have been following the recommendation of one of the sup Miss Chanel. 
She  suggested me to follow the ideas proposed by Pininterst.

Here is an example of a good recipe: Italian Roasted Potatoes.

I could try to use some Brussels Sprout as well
Today I am feeling rather cold, I feel I am dressed too lightly for the current weather.

Time for my lunch break

I had a quick lunch: a warmed up minestrone soup I made yesterday with a side of an apple and an orange.

I am trying to increase the Vitamin C intake as I am feeling cold.

It has started raining and again as mentioned above I am dressed too lightly today.

Yesterday evening I went by myself to  the gym.
I signed out at 5pm and walked to the gym where I arrived at 5:30pm

I had a class of cycle  with Cassie Marie Tessandori.
I noticed she has an ankle beauty spot.

I noticed it because I have many on my skin myself. 
It depends on the type of skin  one has.

Cassie is always motivating the class to work hard.
She is encouraging to be in the present moment and to work hard for yourself. 
She says "picture on your mind where you want to be and why you are here at the gym"
A real motivational trainer.
I like her strength and determination as every trainer at the gym she is motivating the whole class.

Afterward I  had body  pump with Sylvia. At body pump we focus on range of motion and repetition.
Some of us are charging their body with a lot of heavy weights.

I am absolutely unwilling and unable to follow them as I know my limitations. 

Whenever I am exceeding any physical activity that is requiring strength over  endurance I am getting  to pay a price. Immediately the next day  my brain is exploding because of my elevated blood pressure.

As a result I  have to  take it easy.
I am always pushing it  with a grain a salt.

Sylvia is a  more mellow and a motherhood person.  

She is always very cheering and very wise in her advice. 
I call her Ms Walker as such is her family name.

I am following always her advice. 
Nevertheless this morning my brain had been exploding.
Well here we go. 
I had a Tylenol from Nursing.
 This is what it is needed to  reset my head to a healthy state.

My mother back in Italy told me that she has received my letter I sent her on February the 7th. 

It just took the mail eight days to go from Bakersfield, California to Verona, Italy.
It is a fast  and efficient distribution system.
I have always enjoyed writing letter to my family.

When I was a little kids and went on  vacation for the summer I used to write her about my time.

She has kept all my letters.
I know that now I am spending time writing to my kids in La Canada, and to my mother in Italy.

The purpose is a therapeutic one, It is called THP (Therapeutic Home Program)
For long time when I was working back in the days I had no time to write them.
It was different back then, I had  a life and a real occupation. I was active back then with more interesting activity to do... right now I am a fully disable individual.

I am constantly checked on where I am or what I am doing... not much of life isn't?

I tried to reach my wife Simona I went directly to her voice mail at the Caltech office.
She is busy and moreover she has started again the academic year so she is teaching. 
When she is teaching I  have been invited not to disturb nor to call  her.
I am accepting and  complying with her needs.

My plan for this afternoon is very simple.
Today at the apartment we patients have to present the grocery shopping list.
So I will take my time to make sure I am compiling it carefully.
The shopping day is for this Saturday.
I have chosen to go to Trader Joe's.
I am allowed to sign out and to walk to the store and to come back with the CNS van.

In the evening  I  will be cooking. I have Zucchini squash to make.

I am going to make Zucchini squash float again. Last time I made it, it tasted really good.
Beside it looks good, it is healthy and fun to prepare.

As such today no gym I am busy with different activity.

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