Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday February 24

It is a crispy, dry and cold day. I prefer the cold temperature as I can not handle well the heat.
It makes my head hurting a lot. It is a double sword.  If it is too cold I get sick with a cold, when it is too hot my blood pressure goes high and my head feels heavy.

Right now I am  bringing with me only my Patagonia jacket.

The sun is up in the sky and it looks like it is going to be a great weather for today.

Last night I slept well, my morning went fine. I woke up at 6am. As I am going to bed by 9:30pm is it is more than enough sleeping. I never sleep in during the weekend, so my sleeping habits is good.

Earlier today  I already had a couple of Tylenol  for my head which was feeling heavy.

On a regular basis it is hurting.

Sometime I have the feeling of it about to explode, other time  something within is  pounding on my brain.
This morning I had a simple and complete good breakfast

Oatmeal, Cereal with Blueberry and mixed fruit and nuts.

A lot of Organic Milk and some good coffee with Organic cane sugar.

I started making Oatmeal ahead of time and I keep it  in the fridge. So the in the morning this is done.

I called the boys and they were all doing well.

Lapo was telling me all about his preferred activities.

His brother Chicco leads him toward many skills.

Lapo is younger and of different opinions.

For instance he mentioned that he does not like to play the piano that much.

On the other hand Chicco is playing the piano with a lot of attention.

Both the boys play it very well. 

Chicco is more proficient right now, Lapo is following suit on his brother's step.

It is going to be just a matter of time for Lapo to catch up on his skills.

My wife Simona is encouraging Lapo to play as much as possible. Right now he only  needs a bit of encouragement to do so.

Here is the park near the apartment, a magnificent day is showing from a magnificent morning.

Today in Italy is Friday "gnoccolaro".

In the Italian tradition it is the day when people celebrate Carnival by eating gnocchi (potato dumpling).

My mother is going to eat gnocchi with her friends (I signori Ongaro)

Last night I compiled my Grocery Shopping list for Tomorrow.

I carefully reviewed my food supply.

Then I  had a quick dinner. I signed out at 5:25pm  and walked to the gym. I arrived at 5:54pm on time for my class.

I had cycle with Misty. She is the instructor behind me in the picture at the bottom of this post.

I noticed she  was keeping  above the stereo a set of glass.

 I asked her to wear it for this picture. She kindly accepted.

So here is Misty with glass.

I had fun riding the static bike at the gym. 
The  class follows her recommendation regarding modulating the static cycle resistance.
At 7 pm it was time for me to leave the gym and to get ready to go back to the apartment.

I stretched accurately and got ready to leave.

I was back at the apartment by 7:15pm  by CNS transportation.

In order of succession: night showers, a snack and my meds and by 9pm sleeping in bed.

I slept soundly and wake up at 6:15 am

I am unable to stay in bed for longer, even during the weekend when I am up, my body is fully awaken.

Enjoy the reading time for my break.

 had a quick and fulfilling lunch. I was not expecting any lunch as  I had brought mine.

The other people at the clinic had lunch over there it is Friday for everybody.

 I know I am in a different category so I am taking care of myself very well.

I had brought with me a rich lentil minestrone soup, a couple of slices of rye bread and an orange.

It is all enough for me to get through my day for the level of activity that I am doing here.

Of course I sip of coffee and then off I went brushing my teeth.

While at lunch I called my mother in Italy using Skype.

She is doing great. She was having dinner with friends of hers.

She told me about the dinner they had tonight. It is a clearly very unique experience eating food in Italy.

I believe every body was in charge of bringing a  part of the dinner. It is a pool effort and a shared happy time.

The result is the usual magnificent gathering of people and they are eating together.

For Italian people eating food together is part of a ritual. It belongs to the fabric of the Italian society and culture.

One of the Italian Proverb is "A tavola non si invecchia" which means " you do not age while being around the table"
From the web:
There is an expression in Italy, “A tavola non si invecchia” which is, “At the table one does not age.” It goes right to the heart of the notion that the Italian meal is meant to be an experience of good feelings enjoyed with others. It is to be a source of pleasure and relaxation.

Here are some pictures of the Ongaro's family, that is the host of tonight's dinner.

This is a silent participant for the evening event.

this afternoon my wife is teaching at Caltech. She is normally a very very busy.
She has asked me - and I am complying with it- not to call her on her phone while she is teaching.
I will be distracting her and stressing her out for nothing.

She has to keep her focus and her attention to her busy day.

Simona is going to call me when she has time. I will be fine.

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