Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday February 2 2017

It is a nice and  cold day in Bakersfield.  More rain is expected for the weekend. I had the last stickers with me and gave it to the children here.

I am planning to have a resupply during  the weekend. The kids call me "Sticker man"

It is based on their experience of course.

My cough is getting better, my lungs are a bit clearer. More importantly I am feeling better. Hopefully it is going to keep improving.

In Bakersfield it has been approved  the development of a plot of land between  Stockdale and  Coffee Rd.

The land is  situated in front of the plaza of  the local Trader Joe's store.

The development work is going to  proceed in phases.

This is a large project benefiting  the whole community.

Yesterday evening I distributed the latest schedule to the whole apartment complex.

At  5pm I called the receptionist to book for the movie for Saturday evening.  I would like to see  La La Land.

For dinner I  had the Zucchini boats that I had done  previously.
I had a nice dinner and I felt ready to go to the gym.

I signed out on my way to the 24 fitness club on Gosford.

Halfway though it  a CNS staff offered me to drive me to the gym. I gladly accepted her lift.

At the gym it was my day for static Cycle with Cassie.

Cassie was happy and shared with me that she had been accepted in a PhD program for Physical Education.

As always she was pushing and motivating the whole class to follow her lead. She was really happy yesterday.

She explained with care the movement we were supposed to accomplish and the reason for it.

At the end I greeted her and  carefully stretched and finally got off to the next class.

Cassie calls me Joseph.

The last class I had was body pump with Sylvia.

This is a workout designed to use some weight. I feel I am good in using the higher extremities of my body. When it comes to my legs, I have more issues. I noticed that I am having the usual issues with bending my legs. It is all part of the same and long term  disadvantage for me. I am focusing on my core and in doing what I can for my legs.
I have adjusted to the way I am walking.

At 7pm I was done and per my program I was ready to leave the gym.

A CNS staff came just in time to pick me up to drive me back to the apartment.

As I had signed out to go to the gym, I signed back in per the CNS procedure.

A shower, light snack and evening meds followed.

I slept really well and at 6:15am I woke up.

This morning I had a good breakfast, using the oatmeal that I had set aside from yesterday.
For the morning I am using all Organic products.  A  batch of Cereal, Blueberry, Strawberry and Organic Medley with Organic Milk.

I cleaned it all and off to the park.

This morning I completed the money management phase.

I had $75 for Grocery and $24 for outing.

It is all well. I had enough for the week.

 there was no newspaper so I returned the money at the reception to Miss Mary.

I walked around the park anyway to feel the morning air.

My cough is cleaning up and my lungs are getting back to the way they used to be before everybody got sick.

I went to the AAC borrowed their paper and read the news of the day.

At 11 am I signed out, Melanie drove me at the Homes of Hope for my work program.

I met the little kids here  and gave them all the stickers I had with me. I am completely out of stickers for this week. I need to get a new resupply next Saturday at Trader Joe's.

I had a good lunch.

I brought with me the last Zucchini boats I had at the apartment.

Really a fulfilling experience and lunch.

I found an interesting recipe I would like to implement. Eggplant staffed with Pasta.
I am not sure about it yet. I am wondering still about it. If it has too many carbs..

Here is the preparation ... Italian version  more Italian version here

I will probably stick to the Zucchini Boats for the time being.

My mother recommended me to use a spoon for carving the Zucchini. I  surely will try this way next time.

Today at the apartment it is the day to compile the Grocery list for next Saturday.

The plan is to make a good chicken broth for this evening.

As I will be cooking no gym. It takes time and precision to cook well.
I do not want to rush it as otherwise it does not taste well.

I have all the produce to cook an healthy soup.

It is going to be good for my body to get a real home made chicken broth soup.

My mother in Italy is fine.

She showed my Zucchini boat to her neighbor. She is very happy seeing that  I am  spending time cooking and enjoying every second of it.

After all staff does not cook for me, I am fully independent regarding this matter.
Enjoy the reading

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