Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday February 6 2017

I had a very good and lovely weekend.

Last Friday February 3rd  I had a quick dinner and signed out to go to the gym.

I signed out at 4:40 pm and arrived at 5pm.

The Zumba lesson was cancelled. It is even better as I had the chance of doing my own routine program.

I did the stair master at level 6 for 60 minutes. I covered an equivalent linear distance of 4.69 miles.

I came back to  CNS with the van.

I slept well.

Last Saturday February 4th I had a very busy day.

I cleaned the apartment and all my personal clothes. I changed the bedding and did the usual cleaning tasks of the weekend.

My weight was 173.2 lb

I carefully cleaned the kitchen and run the carpet cleaner on the floor.

I run the carpet cleaner on the carpet of both bedrooms
I do not use the second bedroom. I keep it clean anyway.

this is the living room carpet  being cleaned.

I carefully cleaned the bathroom and its floor.
Bending in the corners to make sure it was all picked up.

I took care of removing the dust from my bedroom

I washed the tile floor of the apartment with a swifter.

Finally the whole apartment looked and smelled good. Just the way I like it.

At 9:50 am I signed out and walked to  Trader Joe's by myself in my route to Stockdale HWY for  doing my Grocery Shopping.

I arrived at 10:37am .

In front a Trader Joe's there is a plot of land that is under development.

The construction is planned to be completed toward the summer of this year.

At Trader Joe's I had the usual fun experience.
Jamie and all the persons working there are so nice with their customers and to me.

 Jamie is in red sweater and she is  always happy to see me shopping over there.

I spent $95.77 got all Organic food. chocolate for the CNS and a lot of good product.

I came back to the apartment with the CNS van.

For lunch I had cheese tortellini with a lot of Parmesan Cheese

I had a side of veggy and wrote a letter to my family

I am used to write to my family. This is also called THP for Therapeutic Home Program

It works in exercising the brain  and the eye hand coordination for controlling of small movements.

Anyway  in my mind I call it taking care of one's family.

In the evening I went to the movie outing.

As I did not know what to watch they recommended me to go and watch  this movie 

"The space between us"

A story of a boy raised on Mars  by a group of colonizer.

The story shows his struggle to feel normal and his search for  a girl on earth that he has connected with on the computer.

A nice story of courage determination and accepting one's limitations.

Last Sunday morning February 5 I  went to church at S. Philips.
The church was full and everybody was coughing and sneezing.
A large pot for cultivating  cold viruses.

I gave $3 as charity above and beyond the outing money I had available.

After church I signed out  at 1:30 and walked to the gym by myself. I arrived at 2pm

I called CNS to let them know I was there.
I started my work out.

It consisted in 60 minutes of stair master at level 6.

 I covered a distance equivalent to 4.7 miles 

Afterward I  took a bit of time for an initial light stretch  and immediately off to the multi-mode trainer machine set at level 6. This is good for shoulder and back support.
Cassie Marie a trainer at the gym recommended me to use it.

This machine  works based on a robe to pull down.
 I  covered an equivalent robe distance of 1.2 mile.

As last one I did the rotary torso machine:  4 times 20 repetition at 20lb.

Finally it was my time to fully stretch in the big common room.

I stretched my legs: front muscle. quads and calf.

I stretched my arms and legs.

Finally at 3:36 am it was time to leave the gym.

I called CNS and let them know that I was going back to the apartment and I arrived at 4:10pm.

In the evening I  signed out and walked to Rite Aid to get a juicer. Here it is and  now I can make my own orange juice. The plan is to use the citrus I have to juice out for either cooking or drinking the juice.

Let's move on to my breakfast 

Cereal, milk, Organic medley.  A couple of slice of whole grain breads with peanut butter and honey.
Some coffee.

For lunch today I had a good soup with a side of grapes.

I went to the Mnt Vernon clinic read the newspaper and off to this place afterward.

My plan for today  beside cooking my dinner is to go to Yoga and cycle at the gym.

We will see how well it goes.

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