Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday February 14

It is S. Valentines' day.

Simona and the kids are fine.

I am OK. I only had a minor headache today and Miss Amanda took care of it at the AAC.

Whenever my head hurts I am struggling to get some relieve as it really hurts.

At AAC I read the newspaper of the day.

At 11 am  I came here at the Homes of Hope in Niles street.

One of the major news of the day is that a major dams and water reservoir   in Northern California was damaged. It is the Oroville dam.
This is due to the aging condition of the water dam.

The state has started releasing water to ease the pressure on the aging infrastructure.

In doing so the dam started to chip away therefore enhancing the damage.
Here is a picture from the web.

Anyway it shows how much infrastructure repair is needed in  the State of California.

In order to save the dam, the agencies involved are trying to lower the water level to release the water pressure from the aging infrastructure. The city near the dam is under a mandate evacuation order.

Another news is that Michael Flynn has resigned as National Security Adviser because of his  alleged tie with Russia. His resignation has been accepted and is effective immediately.

 The newspaper says that Mr Flynn was very apologetic for being the cause of such a controversy involving himself and  the President.

Yesterday evening I signed out by myself and went to the 24 fitness gym.

I left the apartment at 4:49 pm and arrived at the gym at 5:40 pm.

It took me a bit longer than originally planned. In fact  I went down toward Stockdale Hwy, which is the wrong direction.
Actually this is the direction to go toward Trader Joe's and the St. Philips Church.

 As soon as I realized it, I took some corrective measures and turned around.

 I used my phone GPS to get to the right direction and therefore back on track.

Despite this little detour  I reached the gym  on  time for my Yoga class with Lilly - Namesde.

A lot of good stretching moves,  relaxing and soft breathing.

After Yoga I had static cycle with Misty.

She is the smiling person behind me on my right hand side.
At the gym they all know me as I am taking all these pictures for my memory book.
Everybody is kind with me. I am always asking them if they agree. They confirm with a knot of the head.

While at the gym I greeted the many familiar people of the community.

I also greeted the manager Mr Adam Soto.

After cycle at 7pm I  stretched accurately and one of the Sup -  Miss Channel- came to pick me up.
My program is such that at 7pm I am to leave the gym to go back to the apartment.
I am always making sure I fulfill the  program at my best.

At the apartment I had a healthy snack - a banana with creamy peanut butter- and  my evening meds.

I slept well,  enjoyed my night. I had a restoring sleep.

I am sleeping better and better.

This morning breakfast: blueberries, Cereal, Organic Milk,  Organic Medley Cereal, Yogurt with Organic Chia Seeds. Finally   a bit of Coffee with foamed milk.

I cleaned up at my best at the apartment and went to grab the newspaper.

I walked in the park, a good day to wake up and to move my legs.

I am even bending more and more my stiff legs.

This is the park in the morning

I am not perfect yet, whenever I am walking I believe because of the way I put my legs, I strained my back which has been hurting.

It is OK I am used to it anyway. Yet it hurts.

This morning at  AAC I  asked for  a Tylenol.  It is for my general wellness.

I feel my body getting better and better. My head is at time hurting.

Overall my body is less than a mess...I realized this  is not a scientific term to describe its condition anyway.

Time for lunch.

Today there has been a good lunch offered here by the Homes  of Hope as it is S. Valentine Day.
There was a nice bouquet of red roses at the center  table where the meal was offered.

There was a lot of good food and everybody had enough to eat.

Mr Dr Kilby the CEO of the House of Hope always makes sure his guests are well taken care of.

I had a  slice of potpie, a salad and a couple of oatmeal cookies.

For drink a glass of dark tea.

Finally a bit of my own coffee before  brushing my teeth accurately.

The atmosphere here at the Homes of Hope is festive and very pleasant. 
It is a day for celebrating mother day.

Among the many guests I saw Lupe. 
She is a person I have met before  at the 24 fitness gym on Gosford.

She looked puzzled to see me here. or perhaps she was just busy with her own life.

I called Simona at her office. She was busy and I was  directly connected to her voice mail.

Well, here we go, she is fine, I believe we talked earlier this morning after she took the boys to school.
Today the boys have piano lesson at home.

Earlier today I had brought my remaining stickers here at the Homes of Hope.
I gave it to a person working in the Arc with the kids.

Other stickers were given at the AAC before coming here.

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