Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday February 22

It is a nice and cold day. I feel cold and hot at the same time.
I am bringing with me a heavy jacket that I am not using at all as I am constantly indoor.

I am going to let go the jacket hopefully soon.

Yesterday evening I signed out from the apartment at 4:30pm en route to the 24 fitness gym. I walked and  arrived at 5pm.

Over there I had cycle with Karen, a good cardio exercise.

Afterward I took a class of body pump with Ellie.

This is based on light weight and many repetitions to strengthen one's body.

In particular I am focusing in my lower extremity bending , it is getting there slowly and slowly.
My legs are there, I am trying to bend it more and more, I feel it is hard but there is not other way to get around it.
We did a lot of push up  and worked on our stomach muscle.
A strong inner core is at the base of a good posture and equilibrium.

Finally it was time to have a bit of Zumba with Mike.

Ad the end I felt hungry and overall I had enough exercise for the day. I  called transportation and they make me waiting for my pick up.

While waiting I  greeted  Britney and her sister Keithlan, they are from the community.

As I  was hungry I had left the gym and they caught  me right on time when I was about to go back to the apartment  by myself. I know I am not supposed to do so, I was so hungry yet.

I felt tired but at the end happy for my  work out.

The boys are fine.
Here you see them visiting the Death Valley with Simona.
They went there on they way back from Skiing at Mammoth.

The boys are getting taller and taller. 
On the right there is  Chicco and on the left Lapo wearing a light  green T shirt.
They are growing fast and sprouting like tall tree.

In Particular our eldest Chicco is really becoming tall and tall by the day,
He comes from a family of tall people. 

Next to him, his brother Lapo is working hard to follow him.

Simona mentioned that Lapo has to work a bit on his belly - like me after all.

We are proud of the boys. 

The day is cold and clear. I keep carrying around with me my heavy jacket. 
I end up never using it.

It is February after all and I shall resolve myself in trying to leave it behind at the apartment.

This is the very nice day at the park. 

My morning breakfast is a good and healthy breakfast
A bit of Oatmeal, Cereal with milk and high fiber Fruit and Nuts medley Cereal

I went to the AAC ie the old clinic. I read the newspaper of the day with the salient local and national facts.
At 11 am as always I signed off to come here at my work program. I filled it my daily blog. I  had my very healthy lunch. Today minestrone broccoli soup with a couple of slice of whole wheat bread.
 A few cubes of Manchego cheese.
As a fruit side I had an apple and an orange.
Finally a bit of coffee and my teeth were ready for brushing.
I called my mother back in Italy.
She was happy to see the boys growing and becoming so tall.

We talked about ourselves and about the back pain I have been experiencing.
She mentioned that one has to be careful. 

I was telling her that I have narrowed the pain to be my sciatic nerve on my right kidney position being inflamed.

My mother mentioned to be careful as when a nerve gets inflamed it takes a while to get back to normal.

It is what it is, I did it by overdoing the stepper machine at the gym.

Since my back pain erupted I stopped using this machine and did use another one: it is called the Elliptical trainer. I used it last Monday. It is a lower impact to my back muscle.

Today at the apartment there is the new schedule. I will be distributing it this is the plan as always the other patients will wait patiently to get served.

I am not planning to go the movie this weekend. 

I checked the listing and there is a string of mediocre movies.

 I am frankly tired of having to watch a  movie that is childish and not interesting to me.

I wanted to watch the Movie Hidden Figures, it is about the role of few woman in the NASA program.
I could not go and see it. That is it I am very tired of not being able to go to watch what I want rather being told what to do and how to do it.

Hence as a sign of personal choice I will not be going this week nor for that matter until I will be able to watch any interesting movie.

It has not been prescribed by the doctor anyway.

I am not concerned I have a bunch of things to cook, the Economist to read and a lot of books to read anyway.

I need to careful compile my grocery list as Saturday I will be cooking something special.
I do not know what it is going to be yet,
I will ask my IPC to get a crackpot -Slow Cooker-for me  so that I can start cooking with it.
In the meantime I am confident I will figure out a good way to get around this temporary lack of equipment.

There is a will and there is a way... the way to cook are many and wide.

Enjoy the reading

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