Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday February 8 2017

I am fine sort of.

This morning I woke up with my shunt hurting.
 It happens to me on a recurring basis.
 It is a pain located at the right top side of my head where my shunt is located.

The shunt is a permanent feature of my head, it can not been removed. I can hurt at time by making me feel its presence.

Other time my back hurts. Alternative pain feeling I have in my legs.

I should have come accustomed to the pain I am feeling.
Particularly when the atmospheric pressure is high, or when the temperature is hot I am feeling my blood pressure sky rocking high, and consequently my head hurts.

It is said too much stress might have this effect as Dr Zoner checked my shunt and mentioned it all works as intended .

I am not really understanding how this can manifest itself right in the morning.

I am sleeping well, following all the recommendation of the CNS and Nursing, yet once in a while and on a regular bass I have a head ache. It is fine by me...

Yesterday evening I did not go to the gym. I wanted to cook and to spend time writing to my mother in Italy. I wrote a letter in Italian and mailed it yesterday back  to Verona, Italy.

It requires 4 forever stamps. I have tried to write it with a  nice hand writing controlling the small movements of my hand. Obviously it is in Italian.

While I was writing I  prepared and cooked a good chicken minestrone  soup.
I washed a few celery stalks, a few  carrots and potatoes.

I diced a whole sweet onion and  a clove of garlic

I wedged a few Russel Yellow Potatoes.

Here is the whole diced veggies ready for my soup.

First I made a light soffritto with Coconut Oil.
This is the white jar sitting in the counter.
 It is a good Oil for high temperature cooking.

I let it fry for several minutes in the big pan.

It was then time to add the chicken drum sticks.

I opened a corn can that I had purchased long time ago and added it to the soup.

Not a great move in retrospect.

The broth had been seasoned with pepper, pyramid salt and a few laurel leaves.

Here is a nice picture from above 

I added several cups of water.

Finally I decided to add some Quinoa to the soup.
Quinoa is a super grain, reach in protein and very healthy.
It come in small grain and has to be cooked in a broth to gain a good flavor.

Next time I need to get some rosemary from the CNS garden

While it was all gently cooking I composed the aforementioned letter for my mother in Italy.

I stayed back at the apartment and did not go to the gym as I was busy with all the above activities.

By the way I asked for a carpet to keep in front of my dishwasher. I hope I am going to have one very soon.

I had the soup once ready.

As always I added Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.
The soup appeared  to me a bit light, perhaps I added to much water to the chicken broth...

I had dinner with the chicken soup. I  washed everything by hand and took my evening shower.
No gym yesterday.
I slept well following the usual recommendation.

This morning It was my day for providing the receipts to the CNS as part of my money program management.

The grocery was the usual good amount.

It was $95.77 . The outing money was about $27. Last time  I had a bit more to eat at the movie theater and then I also game $3 for  charity to church. At the movie theater I had a green tea, Edamame and a hot dog as I was hungry.

My stomach was rumbling in the middle of the movie so I had to buy something to eat. They only had a hot dog to eat. It did its job.

It happens to me that my stomach is making hungry noises so I had to fill it with some snack.

The park near the apartment this morning.

I had a good lunch as always very healthy

A good chicken soup for lunch. A side of red grapes.

Enough for the day.

Today is a Wednesday and as every Wednesday there will be the new schedule.
Of course they all know it but nobody will make a move to distribute by me.
So frustrating as they all know it but they do not act upon.

Then they are all booking for the movie ahead of time and there is always a line to talk ...
so frustrating had I not know how this matter works at the apartment.

Enjoy the reading...
Now is my turn to read the newspaper

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