Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday February 1st

Well I slept well and enough for the day.

I am sleeping better and better using my ear plugs and my dental retainer.

I am sleeping well using  the cocktail of meds  I am getting at CNS.

I had a new round of meds this morning. New meds and new med log sheet for the month.

Each time I am taking a medication I need to fill the med log sheet with my initial.

It is for keeping track of the meds I am taking every day.

I had a  good breakfast in the morning.

I  am eating diligently in the morning.

I made too much Oatmeal today and at the end I left it in a container  in the fridge for tomorrow.

Organic Milk, Trail Mix, Organic blueberry, Organic strawberries and Cereal.

On Wednesday morning  for my Money Management Program I provide the receipts of my grocery and outing money at CNS.

I am balancing the outing money by using the charity at church.

The food bill has historically being high for me.  I like to make my own food.   
I am  purchasing all Organic Ingredients from Trader Joe's.
 This is where I get my grocery for the food.

The park looks great in the morning.
I am doing my morning walk around, walking tall pushing from my heels and bending my legs.

I have an odd way of walking. My legs are  stiff. I am trying to walk more naturally and balanced.

It is what it is right now. I have to retrain my brain for it. 
This is called neuroplasticity.

To tell the truth I am not   concerned about my food expenditure. I am fully independent when it comes to this matter, I am cooking and shopping by myself. 

I know that I have a high standard for food, it reflects on my bills.
I have enough money for grocery. Both Simona and CNS are making sure I am set on this matter.

Simona is covering my needs with my Personal Account which is an account set up for me at CNS.

 I am able to use it whenever I need money. I need to communicate with my  IPC  on Saturday morning when I meet with her on my money situation. I am also using it with care.

As planned yesterday evening I went to Walmart for Personal Shopping.

I stayed back at the apartment to cook and as a result I did not go to the gym.

It was part of my planned activity.

 I have been cooking Zucchini Boat following an idea I found at Pininterest.

First a soffritto: sliced Onion, Carrots. Celery

Coconut Oil is always a good ingredient for cooking 

Here is the colorful soffritto.

I added some Organic Marinara Sauce 

It cooked well. I added some  spices  (cumin, paprika, salt and pepper) and a piece of bouillon cube for flavor.

I cut longitudinally the zucchini and carved out it in a boat like shape.

I filled the Zucchini boat with the staffing I just made.

I topped the zucchini with some shredded  Monterrey Jack and mozzarella cheese

I  used a baking sheet covered with Coconut Oil.
It stayed in the oven for about 40 minutes.

When ready I also used the cilantro I had purchased.

It tastes healthy and wonderful.

At 6:30pm I went to Walmart as I had  booked for a Personal Shopping outing.

I went there and purchased the Personal Products I needed.

Toothbrushes, Listerine, Toothpastes, flossing product 
I spent $26.65 out of the $35 I had available.

At Walmart I greeted Scott- an Instructor from the gym.
He was doing some shopping over there.
By the way yesterday I was approved the reimbursement for the lens of my glasses.

Today there is a new schedule to be distributed at the apartment. I will be able to do it at some point in my day.
Later I will be booking for the movie outing next Saturday. And will be able to go to the gym.

Today I have cycle and then body pump. The plan is for me to sign out and to go to the gym on my own. Later I will be able to  come back with the CNS's transportation.

This is the plan of my day. Both dinner and lunch is set for the next day as I have made enough Zucchini boats.

Enjoy the reading

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