Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday February 27

I had a very busy weekend with many activity as always.

Last Friday February 24 I signed  out at 4:35 pm on  my way to the gym. I arrived at 5:05 pm.

I had my scheduled Zumba class.

As Caroline was not available Mike subbed for her and was teaching the class.
Mike is a nice person, he  works full time  at Kaiser. In the afternoon he is an instructor at the gym.

He mentioned I made some incredible progress since he saw me the first  time at the gym.

I  learned a stretch for my Pereform legs muscle that has been hurting 

Anyway I came back with the staff at 7pm.

Last Saturday February 25  I cleaned the whole apartment taking care of the most important things.

I washed all my  clothing, making sure the sport one were cleaned and ready for this week.
I changed the bedding sheet, washed my bathrobe and  towels.
Also the small utility carpet in the apartment were washed.

As usual it takes me a while to pair the endless number of socks that I have.

Because I wanted to and  I had time,  I took care of cleaning the whole apartment.

I run the carpet cleaner on the tile of the kitchen and on the carpet of the living room.

Carpet of the living room

I run it as well on both the bedrooms of my apartment.
Moving from my bedroom to the second one.

I took care of removing the dust from all surfaces.

I then cleaned the bathroom very accurately.

The faucet area with the toilet was carefully cleaned

I carefully scrubbed the tub with a sponge using the Clorox detergent 

At last I carefully washed the bathroom floor with a swifter

It all looked and smelled great

Here is a picture of my work for the day.

My mother in Italy said that it looks like a picture of a home magazine.

I  tend to agree with her because this is my current home and it is the place where I am currently staying.

Here we go it is all perfectly done.

I  later went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's .

I walked by myself over there and came back with CNS.
I followed my Grocery Shopping list. I had plenty of healthy and Organic food.

The final bill was $87.91 which is fine by me.

I greeted Jamie - here at my right hand side.

She is always happy to see me.

She mentioned that on Saturday she is back to work after her weekend 

Over there they were so nice that they let me spin the wheel.

Associated with each case there were prizes.

I span the wheel and had a box of  chocolate chip cookies for me.

Since I had this win, I decided to bring it to AAC for everybody to enjoy.

- and so I did it today -

Afterward I started cooking.

As planned I made Zucchini float. Next time I would like to make Eggplant float. My mother made be consider the fact that the Eggplant has a thicker skin than the Zucchini.

I tend to agree with her point.

The procedure is the same I believe.

I curved the Zucchini into a boat like shape by removing the pulp
I finally minced the pulp  and saved it  for later.

I cooed  Quinoa on a separate pot.
I let it cool down

I mixed ground turkey with spices and with the Zucchini hearts.

On a large skillet I carefully cooked the ground meat and seasoned with Soy sauce.

I then started filling the zucchini float with it.

I sprinkled the Zucchini with Parsley and some shredded mozzarella and  Monterrey jack cheese

It was then ready to be cooked in the oven.

I let it stand for 30 minutes and 350 F

Toward the end I set the grill going for a few minutes to brown the top of the zucchini.

Here is the results.

Yummy and healthy cooking.

While I was cooking I wrote a letter to my family.

It is written in Block letters and in English for the boys to read.

In the CNS lingo this activity is also known as THP (Therapeutic Home Program)

I had a lot of time last Saturday because I did not want to go to the movie.
I figure out there was nothing of interest to watch.

Simona and the boys are fine.

She told me they will be vising me next weekend in a day to be determined.

On Sunday February 26 I went to church as St Philips on Stockdale Hwy.

Because I did not spend any money for the outing last Saturday, I gave the whole $24 as offering for charity at church. They are certainly able to use it in a good way.

The sermon was about trusting God and detaching oneself from the material items of this world.
No one can serve two masters at the same time.
Trust in God and above all keep the Sabbath for God.

Jesus walked willingly into his passion.

The church was filled with people sneezing and coughing, it was a big pot of germs..

There were a few cell phones ringing going off in the wrong time of the celebration.
I believe people attending church are not aware of the way one is expected to  conduct while inside the building. Or it is just a matter of the times.

After church it was time for me to head to the gym

I signed out at 2:15pm and reached the gym at 2:50pm.

At the gym I have been doing a lot of cardio.
I worked on the elliptical trainer for 60 minute covering a distance equivalent to 5 miles.

I used the elliptical trainer.

After this machine I used the VMX robe pulling machine at level 5.

The equivalent distance of the robe was 0.6 miles this time because I was short in time and I had to be back to take my Metagenics.

At the gym as always I meet Britney and Keythlan

As I was short on time I had to leave. 
It will be better another time.

I left the gym at 4:30 pm and walked back to the apartment to check back in at 5pm  on time for taking my vitamin meds.

I had my evening shower, got my dinner and prepared the lunch for today.

I had a good evening, watched the evening news and relaxed.

Over the weekend I felt pressure   in the region of  my shunt, I had several time Tylenol provided to me by nursing.
It is fine, there is nothing knew under the sky

I slept well. I woke up at 6:30am and got ready for my day

Breakfast first: healthy oatmeal, cereal, high fiber fruit and Nut Multigrain medley cereal
A bit of coffee with frothed milk.

Off to get the newspaper of the day. I stretched my legs by looping the park a few times and by enjoying the day before checking back at the apartment.

I then took care of  taking the bus to the AAC 

At the AAC I read the news of the day among the morning confusion.
Frankly this is in my experience a rather frustrating and futile operation. Nobody really seems interested , they all talk  aloud and think above all about their own needs.

In doing so no in following, body is really interested in  lessening the newspaper news.

I find it a quite sterile, empty and frustrating experience.

 I am  telling  worlds that nobody is interested in following. 

I guess the audience is what it is. no false expectation on this matter.  The actual  reality of the clinic.

I suppose the shame is on me for  expecting anything different or any different consideration.

Anyway I got a bag full of lemon today.

I guess I will need to make a lot of tea to use it all.

Buon Appetito time

Enjoy the reading

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