Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday February 3rd

I had a good night of sleep.

I woke up by myself ahead of the clock.

I am sleeping enough and deep. I am using the retainer and my hear plug so that I can sleep well reaching the REM phase.

Yesterday evening I compiled my grocery list carefully. I checked the food supply at the apartment.

I then started cooking. As I wanted to enjoy my activities I did not go to the gym.

I cooked a good chicken  broth with a lot of good veggies in it.

As  always I started off by making a good soffritto base.
I diligently sliced some onions, garlic, celery, carrots and potatoes.

I used Coconut Oil for cooking.

Here is the Coconut Oil container.

I first used the Soffritto base let it go a bit on the stove. I  then added the Organic chicken drum sticks.  
A package of  Organic sliced Butternut squash  was waiting to be used.

I let the drumsticks browning  for a while. I added Pyramid salt, Oregano, Pepper and  at the last laurel leaves I had at the apartment. I need to buy more tomorrow. 

Here is the soup cooking inside the large pot at the apartment.

It gently boiled for about an hour at the apartment.

At some point I added Organic Sprouted Brown Rice to complete the Soup.

While I  was cooking I wrote a letter to my kids. 
I used English and Block letter. 

Our kids  do read only English, they also speak Italian, English and Spanish.

Writing is also exercising my brain for small movements of my hand.
In the local lingo it is called THP and it stands  for Therapeutic Home Program.

I had a good dinner and diligently cleaned up everything afterward.

I am keeping my apartment as clean as possible.

 I set aside the broth. Some for lunch today, some for dinner tonight some in the freezer for a later day.

Meanwhile my mom from Italy sent me this picture of the winter fog in my home town Verona
Very humid weather indeed. 

She mentioned that later today for lunch the fog had lifted and a sunny but cold day followed.

 The family is well.

Chicco was up awaken this morning. However at the phone he  sounded a bit sleepy.

Obviously he had to wake up as he had to go to school.

Later today the boys have a Tennis sport activity. Our nanny Marina is going to pick them up. Marina is taking them to her house until Simona is going to  bring them back home.

My cough is getting better, my lungs are clearing  and Nursing is taking good care of me. I had all the   PRN (Pro Re Nata) medication  I needed.

My morning walk in the park near the apartment to fetch the newspaper.

A nice day of winter.

As always this morning  I went first to the Mt Vernon Clinic.

I greeted everybody and read the newspaper with the salient news of the day.

At 11 am  I signed out and came to my work place for my work program.

Here I have been working at compiling my blog which rewind my memory, my activities and my feeling. As I am trying to get better at it, I am making more observation and adding  to the environmental description.

For lunch today I had brought my left over chicken soup  from yesterday.

It had chicken, vegetable and Quinoa Brown rise with a lot of good flavors.

This morning at AAC I brought a dark chocolate for everybody. I actually purchase chocolate to make present to the people at CNS. 

In my view it is a small gesture of gratitude indeed. 
One of this days perhaps I will eat a bit. 
I am kind of doubtful as I lost completely the drive to eat any sweat treat. 

My mother is doing well, Earlier she was having dinner with some friends of her -Signori Ongaro.

She was eating peara'  which is a typical food cooked in my own town Verona.
By the way I have never eaten it once in my life.

 It is OK as my wife once  mockingly said to a tourist who was speaking German to me  that I am not a typical Italian let alone a typical Veronese.
I am a typical citizen of the USA.

A strong Italian accent but hey you have to honor your roots.

Proud to be of Italian Origin.

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