Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday April 14 Good Friday

Today is a also known as  Good Friday, the Friday before Easter.

I am at the Homes of Hope for a bit as the service closes at 1pm

I called CNS and let them know I would like to have a pick up by them.

Yesterday afternoon I came back at the apartment and saw it needed cleaning.

So I called CNS and gave up gym time in order to be able to clean.

I cleaned the kitchen counter and living room furniture from the dust.

I  took care of the kitchen's floor by carefully using the broom

Afterward I started washing the floor with a swifter.

It is all  clean and looks great 

While the floor was drying I sat at the table and wrote a letter to my family

The boys will read it carefully

I called home  the boys and they had piano.

Both Chicco and Lapo are really good piano players.
Lapo made me lessen to  the Star War song he was playing at the piano.
He is making a lot of progress.

So yesterday afternoon was spent in cleaning the apartment and writing to the boys.

For dinner I had a simple summer meal.

I used all the avocados I had as it was time for them to go.

I boiled a couple of eggs.

I mix it with  celery carrots, nuts and Anchovies

 Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar to taste.

Here at the Homes of Hope Brian has taken care of the last few settings that my computer needed.

The color palette for the  windows on some of the apps - particularly google- were off and the resulting contrast of colors was very poor. I could not see the writing on the bars.
It has now been set properly with a good contrast. Light grey on black letters.

The roses at the apartment are always my favorite subject for the picture

Walking in the park in a cloudy day 

This morning everybody is well.
Simona's mom is here and she is following Lapo with his homework.

Simona can focus on her job while Chicco our eldest is fully independent.
This week he has been having his mid term exams.

Time for lunch

There is a big party for Easter at the Homes of Hope.

I came late  to the party, I had my own healthy food to eat.

A healthy salad with anchovies, Ezekiel brown  breads and two boiled eggs.

I left the brisket back at the apartment for later tonight.

It is going to be gym time most definitely.

Tomorrow my wife come to pick me at at 11am.

Happy Easter

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