Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday April 26 wishful thinking

I had a terrible ride to the Mnt Vernon Clinic today.

A patient came strong against me and she was really mean to me.

She used words that really offended me.

She is so mean and so awful. She is an old lady with a lot of wrinkle and a bad but really bad temper.

The official CNS excuse is that she is suffering from aphasia and that at time words come out of the mouth and she does not know.

The reality is that inside herself she is mean spirited

I went to the Mnt Vernon clinic there was a bunch of marketing self serving video shot at a different location. The clinic and equipment depicted in the video was nothing like the mnt vernon clinic. Also the therapist were nothing like the real life that is in Bakersfield.

In my judgement, it shows what CNS would like to make believe the others that have not seen the  real place at  Mnt Vernon.

I will call it a distorted truth and basically a wishful thinking.
The marketing people might have find the inspiration from Mr Trump words on his first 100 days in office. Same approach that is wishful thinking

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