Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday April 21

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment and compiled my grocery list for  this upcoming Saturday. It has a lot of veggies, milk, yogurt and  cereal the usual good Organic food

I will play by ear depending on how hot it gets. In case it is being  hot enough, there is always ceviche to make using the fresh Salmon. I am currently unsure about the upcoming temperature, so I am taking this plan of mine with a grain of salt, that is ready to be adapted to the weather condition for the weekend. I might by some Tilapia fillet instead. It is a sustainable farmed fish.

I came back home and the slow cooker was done.  The flank beef steak with a lot of good veggies was ready. As seasoning I used pepper and salt, a couple of bay leaves and a few branches of the Rosemary of the plants outside the apartment. I used a whole yellow onion and a full garlic head.

I put the head of garlic inside without peeling. It is definitely good this way. It gets soft and tender and the skin is getting so moist it is eatable.

The meat  cooked slowly and it is absolutely flavorful.

I toned down the use of spices as it masks the real flavor of the meat.

Here it is the final results.

The only observation I have is that next time I will need to brown the meat on a skillet.
Last time I use this method with an excellent result.

I had it for dinner. Afterward I went to the gym. 

I signed out at 5:35pm and arrived at 6:05pm as I walked over there. I was late and able to get the last part of the class of  bodycombact with Scott. He is a very kind person.

At 6:30pm the class was over so I took the chance of working on my own  until 7pm.

 I  worked on this short program:

1) Vertical chest press 3x20 setting 3
2) shoulder press 3x20x45lb
3) compound row 3x20x50lb
4) crunch 3x20x40lb
Finally stretching accurately.

At the gym a nice lady introduced herself to me.
Her name is Amanda.

I left at 7pm and walked back at the apartment where I  signed back  at 7:35pm

Once back at the apartment I got a snack with a banana and creamy peanut butter.
Protein from the peanut butter, carbs and potassium from the banana

I slept well and woke up this morning fully refreshed.

I had a good home made breakfast

This morning I had an ordinary  head ache nothing major. Very likely related to yesterday gym activity. I link it with an increase of blood pressure during the same day or the day before.

I reported to nursing, Suzanne was there to give me a couple of Tylenol. It worked and everything is fine.

It is always like this, following an intense sport activity. I get wrapped up in doing my physical exercise, I push my body and in the present moment I am fine.
However the following day I am going to nursing to report a head ache.

This is the way my body works out. 

Anyway after my Tylenol  I walked in the park.

Obviously the flower near the apartment are a wonderful subject in the morning. Too hard to walk by and to  ignore it.

In particular these roses are so perfect, it is  hard to believe it is real.

This morning I walked in the park near the apartment. Walking steady with fluent movement of my legs.

My own shadow on the bench

The peaceful park atmosphere of the morning. Despite they told me no newspaper. I roamed free over there, just becuase I like it.

I took the van  and went to AAC.

Over there I read the newspapers, the kiosk at the apartment was completely empty. Normally the AAC has a newspaper available.  So I had the one from AAC  and read it until 11 am when it was time for me to come to my work program at the Homes of Hope.
Alex drove me  here from  AAC.
Here I am  filling  my blog that serves me as memory refresher . 
Also I am reviewing my writing  as I am catching many grammatical and spelling errors.

While the other patients stayed at AAC and were provided lunch over there, I came here at my work program. As always I had brought my lunch. A piece of the flank steak from yesterday with potatoes and carrots. I also had brought with me a  grapefruit, which is very good. I like it very flavorful.

Afterward I did not need any coffee. I am definitely working hard in staying away from the caffeine in the coffee for as much as I can.

This weekend I am planning to buy some decaffeinated coffee at Trader Joe's. It will have the flavor but without the adverse effect of the caffeine.

Also I am planning to buy a bag of frozen artichoke hearts.
I am going to use it to make a sauce with the anchovies for my pasta.

Here is the recipe .. it is called pasta alla puttanesca
I do not eat much past nowadays .. we will see how it goes  

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