Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday April 24 2017

It is a mild day in Bakersfield.

The air is very pleasant and the morning temperature is reinvigorating.

I am peeling away my clothes very carefully.

The flowers at the apartment do look constantly in good shape

This morning I realized that the flowers vase in my apartment needed water.
It was really dry.
So before leaving  I made sure the soil was really moist by watering profusely.
My walk in the nearby park is always a pleasure feature of my day. 
This morning there was no newspaper at the kiosk near the apartment.
 It is OK as I had one at the AAC nevertheless.

I read the salient news of the day and then at 11am I left.  Kayla drove me here at the Homes of Hope for my work program.

Last Sunday April 23 I went to church first of all.

The gospel invites the community to be courageous.

The church was packed tight, I managed to squeezed in next to Rose. She is Cassie's grandma.
Rose mentioned that Cassie had a cold and was not able to come to church on Saturday.

At church I gave the whole outing money of $24  as offer because I did not go to the movie last Saturday.

I stopped going at the movie long time ago. 

Recently there have not been any good one to  watch for me.
Beside I like to be in control of my own time and action.

I prefer to abstain rather than to watch anything at random.

I rather stay back and write, then I give the money to church.

After church a quick lunch and  I signed out at 2pm. I  went to the gym by myself.
I followed my own  program listed above. Slowly increasing the weight of  my  exercises, with extreme care. 
In fact I have to be careful with my body and my blood pressure.
I stayed until ten minutes past four and walked back to the apartment.
I signed back in a 4:43 pm

Last Sunday my weight was  171.2 lb
I am getting slimmer and slimmer.

Today they asked me if I had a weight in mind.
I checked on my weight on the web.
A typical weight for me  is between 141 lb and 190 lb. The arithmetic average is 166 lb.

Right now I am 171 lb. This means I am still 5lb above the arithmetical average.

Last Sunday I made an amazing farfalle pasta with my home made sauce

I chopped some garlic and let is brown in a pan 

I added some fresh Basil and cut  a heirloom tomato. I added a bit of  red pepper flakes together with a can of sardine (the violet can on the image on the top)

Here you see red chills flakes

While the sauce was going I cooked the pasta al dente

When ready "al dente" I combined the pasta with the source. I preserved a glass of pasta water to moist my sauce.

I quickly cooked for a few minutes on high heat all together.

Finally it was ready for eating. I added some raw Olive Oil. 
I love pasta. It has been a long time I did not had any, but now I am back in the game.

Simply amazing 

The Mediterranean diet has been proven over and over to be the best one among the many dieting you can choose.

Last Saturday I  took care of all my own personal items at the apartment, I did all the normal cleaning of the weekend.
I cleaned it all by myself. I took care of the dust above the fridge and around the frame.

There is so much dust in the air. Anyway it is all taken care , the carpets, tiles, bathroom and places higher up  where normally housekeeping does not cover for me. I took a chair and stood over it to clean.

Then I was ready at 10:30 am to walk to Trader Joe's.

I  arrived there and greeted everybody. I brought a flower to Jamie as always.
She appreciated this gesture.
It was a really hot days so I had short sleeve
I purchased all good items, mostly Organic food.

At the end my tally was $90.77

It is all well. Finally I took pictures with Jamie with a green shirt next to me.

Hard to kneel down and come up again for me. Jamie helped me to get up on my feet.

She is such a wonderful person, everybody at the store knows me and I am spending time to greet everybody. When I have time we exchange a bit more information.

Three simple bags full of good Organic food.

By the way I finally found  the decaf coffee. 
I am using it  for  my coffee maker.

My IPC also came to my rescue and she gave me $40 of cash advance.

Whenever I low in cash she is ready to make sure I have enough money.

Simona mentioned that I am using the personal account like a bag of candies.. she is right. You see I am following my own  best judgment. 

Last Saturday I did not go to the movie, no interest in the showing.

I wrote a letter to my mother in Italy.

I wrote her in Italian. I mailed it to her on Saturday evening from Bakersfield.
The postage total amount is worth  four forever stamps to reach Italy.

Normally the mail takes a couple of weeks.

My mother back in Italy has found a piece of history.

At the time  this diploma of karate belt was issued I was barely 20 years old

I am forcing myself to eat all the accumulated food at the apartment.
Today I ate the last crockpot chicken I made. Too many potatoes. I am over it for the time being.

Well as I discovered pasta again, I am switching to pasta eating for the time being.

Simona is still attending a conference at MIT in Boston. Simona is going to be tomorrow from the East Coast. 
For the time being my mother in law Anna is taking care of the kids.

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