Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday April 19

It has been a hectic morning.
I had a 8am dentist  appointment .

I had a quick healthy breakfast with Oatmeal, creamy peanut butter  and honey. In addition milk, cereal and blueberry.
I went to Dr Jue for a dentist appointment. Miss Desire' cleaned my teeth carefully. She also applied fluoride paste  and took several X-ray images of my teeth. Desire' was in charge of all the non medical part.
She mentioned that her eldest son is working in S. Barbara as a software engineer.

When she was done with her part,  Dr Jue the dentist came for me. He checked the developed X-ray images for any sign of cavities. He also took time to look into   my mouth for any abnormal growth. He pulled my tongue sideways so he could inspect the base. He was busy for no more than 15 minutes overall. He gave me a clean bill of health.

Everything is well. My night guard got cleaned with  the ultrasound machine.

Next appointment :TBD. Typically this  is a year by year appointment.

Veronica an NRS from CNS  came with me to make sure I was going in and out the appropriate door.

I had no copay and everything went smoothly.

I collected a few stickers and then called for transportation.

 I already started to distribute the stickers around at AAC and here at the Homes of Hope.

I got into a crowed bus with all the other patients - there was only a single seat left such is the patient overcrowding nowadays.

Afterward I was taken at AAC for a bit. I butted head with my Case Manager - telling her I am in no cooperative mood to be there for any time. She plans for me to stay there and work on a "project".

In my experience and opinion the word project is highly  misleading for her envisioned idea.

Indeed I told her in no blunt terms her 'project' is not mine hence she is welcome to work  on it by herself.
I am a highly independent and stubborn person when it comes to serious matter.

My Case Manager mentioned with a laughing silly face I am not any way doing anything at Homes of Hope so I can skip for  one day.

I am not accepting her directions nor her little proposals .

She said being open to what CNS proposes you...  dear CNS please a bit of dignity,  end of the story.

Yesterday evening I made a minestrone soup with Organic ingredients.
Celery stalks, carrots, potatoes, onion, butternut squash and several garlic heads.
These are all the ingredients before washing

After washing the veggies it was time to cut it into medium to small bits

The soffritto was  going in the large pot and I was cooking using Coconut Oil.
Healthy cooking habits are hard to eradicate.

I ventured in the garden down the stairs to get a few branches of fresh rosemary.

I added it  to the broth with a few bay leaves.

 I seasoned the broth with dry herbs and a bit of pyramid salt.
 I added a bit of  Organic Medley Brown rice and some quick cook rice.

At the end as always a few spoons of  Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.

It came out so good. I filled two bins with.  I  put it in the fridge for the next few days.

While cooking I wrote a sad and somber tone  letter to my mother in Italian.
I sent it to Italy for her. 
The correct amount to Italy is four forever stamps.
This corresponds to about a  dollar worth of stamps.

The mail from US to Italy is definitely faster than the mail coming  from the opposite direction.

Her mail took two months to get here. My mail takes a couple of weeks max for reaching her in Verona Italy.  Obviously there is a highly dysfunctional mail distribution once the mail gets to Europe.

The Italian mail system is as slow as the snail pictured below.  

A good allegoric  image it if you will.

The picture is from this morning.

Yesterday I spent my afternoon busy bat the apartment. I was  cooking and writing, no gym.

My piriformis muscle in the back is getting better. At time it has been very painful for me. I am trying to  tone down on the heavy exercise and to stretch it in the morning.

This morning I had the first portion  of my money management completed. It was a very easy one as I gave back the whole $24 for the outing. I had no opportunity to spend it.  I gave back the grocery shopping receipt I spent last Monday . I did not go on Saturday as a regular schedule because I was  elsewhere.

As usual while I was walking next to the roses I took a couple of pictures

While I was next to the roses I chatted a bit with Jean the gardener of CNS.

He talked to me in French, so we started talking in French as it is a language I am very familiar with.
He told me in French that Dr. Ashley is also speaking a good French.

So one more information I did not have before.

The usual walking in the morning  before catching the van to the dentist

Tonight our elder Chicco will be studying at home while our younger Lapo will have a playdate with a friends of his.
New schedule to distribute at the aparrtment and for the ones who like to go to the movie they will be free to sign.

I am frankly quite uncertain about this matter, seriusly
Enjoy the reading

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