Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday April 11

It is a cloudy day in Bakersfield.
My head keeps hurting a lot.

This morning my shunt was hurting so much that I called nursing to get some Tylenol.

It removed some of the edge but the overall pain is still there. I feel my head exploding today, from the inside out.

Despite of my head  I took a stroll in the park confident things would get better, and indeed it is getting better.

Walking after a warm shower is a safe way to approach my headache.

The kids are fine. When I called our eldest was up already. He let me talk to our youngest Lapo.
Lapo  told me he was tired and wanted to sleep a bit more. I mentioned to him he was allowed to go back to bed and so I believed he would.

For a short while as indeed they both had to go to school.

As always my wife Simona was making sure they went to school on time.  Later she had plan to give a seminar at a Fremont college, a not too technical seminar as this is a community college.

The peaceful part in the morning is always  my morning walk at the park. Breathing deep and pushing my walking from my heels, bending my legs and keeping my balance.

It comes easy doing all it in the morning after a restoring sleep.

Today I went back and forth between long and short socks.

I picked long but now I regret it. I feel my feet too warm.

I had a quick breakfast today, Chia Seeds a yogurt, cold cereal, milk and medley of nuts.

Not included is the Oatmeal with peanut butter and honey. I had prepared a container of Oatmeal for my early morning.

Always eating healthy anyway.

Some interesting details of the rain on the local roses.

Different colors and shapes of roses at the apartment.

 Yesterday evening I hada  good salmon sandwich with cream cheese and basil.
I used the new toaster that I have recently received.

I also wrote a letter for the family

I collected my reimbursement money from Kim for the Personal items I purchased last Saturday.

The whole amount was ready for me. 

I had the exact amount from my Personal account ready.

Finally I  signed out and went to the gym
It was my Yoga day with Lilli.
A lot of stretching and standing poses, some equilibrium exercise that I am doing at my best.

I walked to the gym holding my Yoga mat under my arm.

Afterward I had static cycle with Misty.

As I messed up I have no pictures to show you this matter.

At 7pm  it was time for me to leave the gym and to walk back to the apartment.
I folded my Yoga mats and walked back to the apartment.

I signed back in at 7:45 pm

Walking back while holding the yoga mats is painful for me as my piriformis  muscle still hurts whenever I am walking that way. Nothing new nor out of ordinary. One more part of my body that hurts.

I came back took a shower. I was so hungry that I had a sandwich with Brie cheese
Well whenever I am getting hungry,   my stomach starts rumbling so I ate.

From the gym I only have pictures of this red Corvette parked outside.

I figured out better the car than no pictures at all.

Today I took the bus went to the AAC, struggled to get trough my morning over there. 

I read the newspaper of the day, with the news that are of interest to me.

Unfortunately there are so many news related to  Trump.  I personally do not agree with him. I feel distant from his personality. I also have very opposite beliefs about his policies.

Anyway I do not share much of his actions. Obviously I am the minority in this country.

At the Homes of Hope I compiled my daily blog of activities. I had a good lunch, another  salmon  cream cheese sandwich from yesterday and an apple.

My head is getting better throughout my day.colle

 I'd  rather use the left over Salmon from yesterday while it is still  freshly opened.
It tastes better that way. 
At the apartment I only have to decide when to start the slow cooker with the brisket meat in it.
I purchased all the  necessary last Saturday at Trader Joe's.

Here is a good direction recipe.

This afternoon I have to decide my evening. 
I certainly  will end up going to the gym as most of the other days. 

Be healthy to stay healthy... that is the mantra or this is the theory anyway.
You can try 

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