Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday April 12

Yesterday I stayed back at the apartment as I wanted to write a letter to my mother in Italy. I wanted to write a Happy Easter Letter to her. So I went ahead and did it.  I wrote in Italian to her and sent it yesterday night.
It takes four forever stamps for the letter to reach Italy,

I purchased a brand new set of stamps for my writing needs.

My mother appears to be well. She mentioned she was distracted this year and could not get on time to the mail.

I went ahead and sent it yesterday night. I know it is going to be late for Easter but at least it will get there close enough in time.

My sister Isabella from her place sent me this picture of her with her cat.
She leaves in both Germany and Spain. She can work from both places on her own business.

Let's move on yesterday  as I had a lot of material to cover.

I set the slow cooker going.

I used the herbs that my Case Manager Jolanta brought the other day

Rosemary and Sage.
First I washed the herbs 

I set on the counter the brisket  and a pan.

I dried the brisket with a kitchen paper. I then seasoned it  with salt, pepper and cayenne

The next step was browning the meat in a skillet with Olive Oil

I made sure both  sides were equally done. I use a kitchen clamp to hold the meat while working on it.

I reduced the liquid in the skilled by boiling it gently for a little bit

I also stirred it gently with a spatula

This is called deglazing the pot.

Finally it was time to set the crockpot going on low temperature cooking.

The deglazing liquid will be all the liquid  it needs for  cooking the meat. 
The connectivity tissue of the meat fibers are going to be transformed by the process of slow cooking into tender and flavorful food. This is why the brisket is one of the best beef cut to use.

The great looking flowers at the apartment are the usual great subject for my camera phone.

I take these pictures and send it to all the people I care about, in primis to my wife

This morning I  had a healthy breakfast with hot cereal, peanut butter and honey

It was my day for providing my receipt at the reception at the apartment.

I did so went ahead and walked near the apartment to get early walking and the newspaper for the day.

The temperature appeared to me already hot. It is getting warmer and warmer.

After lunch  it is  79 F,  already hot for me. I am carefully  adjusting to the increased temperature.

I am using short socks while it get that  hot. I drink a lot of plain water, I stayed away from my post lunch coffee as well. It makes my head hurts so only in the morning.

In the afternoon there is a new schedule of activities for the week,
One of the main point is going to be booking for the movie next Saturday.
However I already checked the web and it does not interest to me at all.
Recently there have been a spate of movies that are not interesting to me.
The ones that are of interest are not available at the right time.
It is Ok the last time I went to watch a movie at the theater was a mount ago.
It is fine by me. I will do fine.
Enjoy the reading

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