Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday April 4

It is a warm day in Bakersfield.

The temperature is rising and I am starting to dress  light.

Today I am dressed with a T shirt that has Chinese characters writing.

My wife Simona brought it to me from China last year.

The flowers at the apartment are in full blossom.

Can't resist but to take pictures of it.
Aren't they great?

I am sending it to my wife Simona and for everybody that cares about me.

This morning I had been walking in the park as always. Walking tall and pushing with my heels while bending my legs and swinging my arms to assume a natural walking position.

The sun was high today I took a picture with my back to  the sun. I was able to get the contrast of this picture right. You see had I tried to use a different exposure the phone camera might not have been able to handle the light. I need to try tomorrow.

A good breakfast this morning early - too early indeed
Oatmeal, cold cereal with the last blueberry milk, Chia Seeds and yogurt.

Both Chicco and Lapo are fine and are already at school.
Later this afternoon they have piano lesson with Liz.
Simona is keeping up. She mentioned she slept well last night. 

Yesterday evening I came back to  the apartment from therapy.
I found my dinner was ready. The brisket had been going in the slow cooker for a while.

The brisket is a large piece of meat with a lot of dense fibers.

Cooking it in the crock pot brakes the fibers down and tenderize the meat.
I used vegetable at the bottom of the crock pot,  the brisket meat on the top  with the fat side up and seasoning with broth.

I had dinner with the crock pot, cooked vegetable and a slice of white bread.

After dinner it was time for me to go to the gym.
I signed out and walked by myself to  the gym

I arrived on time for my classes.

I had Yoga with Lilli and then cycle with Misty

In Yoga a lot of stretching and many balancing exercises.

A lot of people can balance better than me. They can stay on a single feet while bending the other legs on the side. while holding some hard poses for me.

I am there for  trying  to stay healthy and be safe. I am doing what I can while I enjoy the environment.

After Yoga we had a static class with  Misty.

I actively participated to the class.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Misty, she knows me very well and is complying diligently.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave. I stretched my body accurately and then started making my way back to the apartment.

A person I know very well from the gym  offered me a lift back home. She is Uju Makinge.  She was just being nice with me.  I know very well I can not accept any lift from any  people in the community. I believe it is an Insurance issue.
So I  politely declined and walked back by myself.

I signed back at the apartment  at 7:30pm.

They were waiting for me at the apartment.

A late  snack with a banana after a good shower.

This morning I went to the Mnt Vernon Clinic and stayed there to greet everybody and to read the relevant news of the day.
at 11 am I came here at the Homes of Hope to my work place.

I am filling my blog for my days, reporting my feeling of the day and my experience.

For lunch I had brought brisket with saffron rice by Knorr

My wife Simona had brought me the rice, we talked today I was telling her  that I run out of it.

She confirmed that she might have a couple at home and that the kids love it too.

We agreed that she is going to keep it for the kids, they are the first people we would like to make happy.

I had been looking in the web for a replacement of the rice above.

I found that Amazon sells on its site a very similar product.

I sent the link to my wife telling her that she can get some for the family and for me as well.

You see nowadays Amazon sells everything and you can find all sort of grocery product  imported from oversea

During lunch I called my mother in Italy.
She is doing fine and she is busy with her health.

She told me that she had booked a visit for her legs.

The public Italian system had scheduled the visit within a two month time.

She then called a private health office and had the same visit scheduled within a few days.

This means she is going to cover the cost by herself because she has chosen  the fastest route.

This is what it is. I am glad she made the right choice for her.

Anyway our kids today have Piano lesson with Liz.

My plan is to go back to the apartment  call them to make sure they are fine.  I will then  quickly be able to go to the gym as I have made dinner for today and lunch for tomorrow.
Enjoy the reading

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