Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday April 13 2017

The computer at the Homes of Hope has been updated finally. In doing so all my original setting had been deleted and it took time for me to get back into all my accounts.

I had to set again all passwords for my accounts.

However finally I am set up as before. Except for a non optimal background.
It will be taken care in the future I am working on it. I see better with high contrast setting and colors.

Yesterday I distributed the latest schedule at the apartment and then went to the gym.
I went ahead and told them I am not interested in watching any movie at the Maya.
I checked their showing and it is not worth of my time nor of my money.
I have not been going there for quite a long time, I do not regret it as I like it this way.

I signed out from the apartment at 5;30pm walked toward the gym and arrived at 6pm for cycle with Cassie Marie.
It is a fun class where she is inviting the class to regulate the resistance of the bike hence simulating a real biking experience.

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia. At the gym there was her daughter  Nina as well.
Range of motion,repetition and carefully increasing the weight.
 Sylvia is very maternal with me as well, she is making sure I am not overworking my body.

I am  practicing in bending my legs, it is hard to knee down for me. It has been hard to knee down as it involves balance and bending one  leg at the time.  Anyway it is what it is, it has been that way for several years.

With Cassie we talked about the polenta food. She knew exactly what food it is,  I explained it was a staple long time ago in the countryside of Italy.

She is familiar with this food  because she is of Italian descent and her grand ma likes it very much.

I left the gym at 7pm and walked back to the apartment to  sign in at 7:40pm.

The usual evening routine followed. No need to get into these details. They are well known.

I had a good night of sleep and woke up at 6am. I can not stay in bed any longer.

I had a good healthy breakfast. A good Oatmeal with Peanut butter and honey.

A bowl of cereal with blueberry, high fiber fruit and nut multi-grain medley.

Some fruits, all good.

The daily flowers are in the pictures below

Today is my payment day. I went to the reception to get the money, once there I realized I had forgotten my wallet at the apartment. So I left my backpack over there and came back with my  wallet.

I was then able to move on and to complete the transaction.

This is the park in the morning.. a bit of rain

I got into the van on time, later I went to the AAC to read the newspaper of the day.

Well this is a very stressful part for me as there is seldom anybody lessening carefully,., many people very uninterested on what happens in the world in general.
Not their fault after all they are like that.

I feel frustrated and I am a different person, I am interested in real news and in real events of the world.

I read the news and lessen to NPR for news.

I value the content of information, I value the understanding of the world's events.

I value the world's events in general. I am not following the petty news.

The local news for me is what is pertinent to Los Angeles this where my paper work says I  am paying my property taxes.

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