Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday April 25

It is a cold day in Bakersfield is it 20 Centigrade

In Italy it is celebrated the Liberation day this commemorates the end of the occupation by the foreign German forces aka the Nazi.

Today is the feast of St. Mark in Italy. It is a major  celebration for  the city of Venice. St. Mark is the patron of the city.  I wished a good Onomastico to a good friend of mine. His name is Marco.
He lives in France and he is married to Marie-France.

His has three kids. He  is doing fine, looking for the next job. In his field people do move around the industry quite a lot,  when you have skills you are always looking around to get a position that allows you to improve. It is called normal attrition of the industry. At my time analog designers were really hard to find and to retain.

At the apartment I am always noticing the beautiful roses that are so well maintained.
Among the gardeners, I got to know Jean Dalia. Jean speaks a good French.  His name is in fact french. I is pronounced Shc-eean Dalia with the accent on the last letter 'a' as the French people use the accent.
 We talked in French a week ago and he gave me his business card. He mentioned that Dr Ashley speaks a good French as well.

I had a strong headache this morning, it affected my right eye,  I felt pulling it from the inside.

My Case Manager mentioned that it is due to the change of pressure to my head. Tilting from  a position of laying down to a standing  this is what makes my right  eye hurting.

Anyway a couple of Tylenol tablets  took the edge off .Every day there is something wrong with my eyes or my head. There is never going to be an end story to it.

One day is the responsible is the atmospheric pressure that changes,  another  other day it is because I have been exercising too hard at the gym.

There might be a possible explanation for any one of this matter. The fact is that my head and shunt are not working  right now. 

This morning I have been very helpful at the apartment. I  took care of all the trash I could find around.  Before taking it I asked if it was for me. They say yes. so I took it away.
Nobody else seems to care about it.

I went down the park for my morning walk. Pushing from my heel up to get a balanced walking 
It is getting better. The exercise at the gym that  helps me a lot  is called the rotary torso one.

It is a machine where I work on my abdominal muscles which are used for walking and for stability.

The park in the morning  I am breathing in and out quietly.

Yesterday evening I made myself  a good dinner
Boiled eggs with spinach, avocado,  carrot and  slices of brie cheese.

Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar to dress

Afterward I went to the gym by myself.

I walked over there on time for my Yoga lesson with Lilli.

After Yoga I had cycle with Misty. She is the nice lady behind me. She is always kind to me and allows to take a picture with me after class. She also told me see you next week.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave the gym. I accurately stretched,  rolled my Yoga mat and left.

I walked back to the apartment and signed back in at  7:40 pm .

My sign out sheet, has a long list of sign in and out.

I had a light snack with peanut butter and honey and a banana. Protein and carbs.
I slept well. Last night

I had a very good breakfast this morning, a  self made one

Oatmeal with peanut butter and honey. 

Chia seeds with yogurt. 
Blueberry, with Cereal and milk

Finally a good coffee. Black with little sugar and frothed milk.

I took the bus and went to the AAC. Over there I am  typically reading the newspapers and leave.

My program is such that I am staying there until 11am then I am signing out and leave for my work program.

Here at the House of Hope in Niles street I have a desk and a computer.

I am reviewing the salient facts of the day for my memory 

For lunch I had the left over salad from yesterday evening and an egg.
An orange and a slice of brown bread.

This is the good way of eating.

Today at the apartment I am planning to take my time to cook.

My mother is doing fine back in Italy.
She mentioned that she has a strong toothache.

In a couple of days she has to go to the her accountant for filing the taxes. A required activity for all the Italian people that  are obeying to the law.

Anyway she sent me the following picture of the flower from her balcony.

I just realized that the little plant in her balcony is a plant of tangerine.

My mother mentioned that my brother Francesco and his wife Sara are going the house we have at the beach in Fano until Sunday.

This is an ancient house that belonged to my great gran father.

It is a piece of history. The house was really large and it is composed by two independent units.

Since the passing of my grand parents it has been split  between my mother and my uncle.

It is fine that way.

My lunch has been the left over from yesterday evening.

Today my plan for cooking is to use the zucchini quash I have at the apartment.
I certainly will find a good way for using it.

I already have something in mind.

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