Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday April 26

I wake up with the usual pain in my right eye along the inner side.

It is where the shunt in my head is located. I normally wake up with a pain that is very strong. At time it is as if  the inside of my eye were to pull the bulb upward.

I took a warm shower and afterward cranked up the cold water. It did not worked. I have been told to use cold water by my Case Manager.  Obviously to be a Case Manager you have to be a licensed medical  doctor. There is a clear correlation between the two activities.

Briefly  I called nursing to get Tylenol. As they were busy I chased nursing around to get what I needed for my head.

It is always the same story  when you have something you are welcome to get to nursing and ask for them to medicate you.

I had a healthy on simple breakfast

I returned the receipt today for the money management program.

I am at a fixed income set by the Insurance. It is $75 for food and $24 for the so called outing.
Whenever I catch my IPC she is handing me out some money. She is giving me a $40 or $45 depending on how much is left on my Personal Account or depending on what she wants me to have. 
At CNS debit card has not arrived yet, everything goes by checks. Even the balance on the Personal Account is not accessible by  the Account holder. In this case my wife.

There is always the trill of knowing how much money is on this  Personal Account.

Call is XXI  century technology

Call it the past century. Anyway my wife has to replenish my personal account, CNS is supposed to let her know when the balance is low, and the story of the money keeps going around and around.

I am frankly frustrated by the obvious lack of communication and lack of absence of a modern time accounting system.

Patient  experience week.. share your experience. Those are the experience I am sharing.

I walked around and decided to stop trowing the trash of belonging to the CNS . Nobody of the other patients were doing it anyway, so why me.. Beside read below about house keeping experience.

Yesterday I checked on house keeping they have not being doing anything for me.

After cleaning I pick up the phone and called at the reception. Miss Barrios picked up the phone lessened to my complaint. She asked me whether  I wanted to go there to file a written complained.

I firmly declined because CNS has to decide what their role is going to be.

Either House keeping cleans or it does not. If it is a man power issue then hire more people to clean.

If not let me know in advance and I will lower my expectation even further down.

I am feeling so frustrated and neglected by your house cleaning  bad cleaning practice.

this is the dirt accumulated in the  aluminum plate of  the stove

This is me taking care of myself.

In my experience  the CNS house keeping has  failed on its most basic job
Housekeeping does not dust any thing, does not clean anything, in my experience it is a non existing service.

Anyway bad things happen while at CNS. 

Yesterday evening I wrote a letter to my kids

I have been involved in  a cooking spree

I made staffed zucchini quash. First I cooked the mushroom risotto (authentic Riso Arboreo) I had purchased at Trader Joe's

I cooked it a skillet following the instruction.
In my current assessment I  added too much water, yet I was following the instruction.

I mixed the rice with the Zucchini heart curving that I had  cut in small pieces.

I filled the zucchini squash and set in the oven for about 45 minutes to cook.
I added Parmesan Cheese at the top.

 I make the assessment that the eggplant  I purchased last Saturday had to be used while still fresh.

 As a result of this call, I cut it in small slices

I cut as well some fresh basil into small bytes

I used  the large silver skillet  to quickly cook the eggplant slices.

The skillet got heated in high heat 

I  cooked the eggplant slices in batches.

It just takes a few minutes per side because I normally cook both sides.

When ready I  set it in a plastic container by alternating salt, garlic powder, paprika flakes and Olive Oil. A generous amount of Olive Oil is needed to let soak the eggplant slices.

It will rest in fridge for a few days. The Oil keeps the air away, preventing oxidation  and preserve the food. This is a good way to preserve food.
Need to leave

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