Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday April 5

I asked a good friends of mine about the meaning of the Chinese ideogram for my T shirt.
Here is the ideogram for your reference.

it is pronounced Long with the accent on the o

He answered it means Dragon. My wife Simona confirmed it as well since she purchased this T-shirt  in China during one of her trip. As a Professor at Caltech she has had many conferences to attend far away.
It is important for her to attend these events as it gives  exposure to her work and her group. It also provides her  with international  coverage for peer review publication.
It is part of her duties and job.

I had a good walk in the park, this morning I turned in  the receipt for money management at the reception

The red roses at the apartment are really beautiful.

The phone camera is capturing the whole gamut of the flowers.
At time I believe had it with  a short  lens it would be better in taking close up pictures.
Perhaps the focus was off a bit.

Oh well it is what it is.

Here is another view of the roses bush.

I think this is a great picture in itself. I like its sharpness and its colour balancing.

I am looking at the sky today. Trying to render in picture its  clouds.

The peaceful nature of the park in the morning.

I wake up early and had a good Organic breakfast today.

Today it is the first part of the money management program for me. It is the day for the receipt.
Tomorrow I will have the actual payment of my salary.

Yesterday evening I came  back to the apartment, had my dinner and evening meds

I had cooked in the slow cooker a brisket and it is now there always waiting for me.

Afterward dinner it was time for me to sign out and leave.

I went to the 24 fitness gym by myself. I had body pump with Ellie and then Zumba with Mike.

I left the apartment  at 5:10pm walked to the gym and arrived at 5:41pm  on time for my first class of body pump.

I stayed a bit for Zumba and walked back to the apartments where I signed back in at 7:30pm

I had a snack and a shower and called the day by  9pm when my ambient sleeping pill arrived.

Yesterday Both Selena and Monica came to visit me.
Selena is an NRS, Monica is a nurse.

I slept well and wake up at 6am as always.

Earlier today  I did one of my tricks. I was walking down the stairs while holding something in my hands. I tripped, lost my balance and scratched my shin.  All done by myself.

I went to Nursing to report it. Diana fixed me up this morning. Not a big deal but  this is  hurting my feelings.
It is not going to prevent me for doing what I like most that is  going to the gym.

After Nursing   I was on time to take the bus for going to the Mnt Vernon clinic.
Over there I read the newspapers with the news of the day, I  greeted everybody distributed my stickers from Trader Joe's
At 11 am it was time for me to leave to come to my work program.

Over here a new desk is being organized for me in the common training room as I am currently working from the desk that is going to be devoted to the reception area.

I brought  stickers for the kids at the school here.

I normally bring them stickers- yesterday I had forgotten to do so.

I  am planning to attend this week, I have not been there for long time.

Enjoy the reading

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