Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday April 17

Well, I have been having recurring pain spasms in my head, where my shunt is located on the top right side of my skull.
At time the pain is also moving down to my right eye, and I feel it pulling backward from the inside.

It is perhaps a nerve associated to my head injury.

When it is too hot I feel it hurting also  when I have a lot of agitation in my head  is hurting.

The past few days it has  been OK, yesterday the pain has risen again as I was coming back at CNS. today it is still there.

It drives me nuts and make me feel poorly.

I do not drink much coffee at all. I actually drink it only in the morning. The rest of the day I do not drink any coffee.

Last Friday April 14th  I was taken by surprise back from Home of Hope to AAC.  I had  been given  no information insofar how long I had to wait there.

My program is rather different from what happened on that day.  In fact once I am done at Homes of Hope I typically return to the apartments on Gosford. From there I am going to the gym.

Anyway I was left dangling outside  AAC without any bit of information. I waited for a little standing next to a small wall. I was hoping somebody would have come forward with any information,
I am not to be overheating in the sun.

After a while waiting there I was told by Candy to come inside and to "work" on the computer.
I am in no way to take order in good spirit by Candy. I am not aware of her qualifications. Where more advanced or required by the job market she would not be there. So I looked at her with disbelief of what I was hearing.

I decided to  called  a taxi.
I picked one out from  the web,  is called Best Taxi.

 It was there  in a few minutes.

I took it  to get back at the apartment.

It costed me $33.75

Anyway this is the price of having a service on the spot.

I got in trouble for it. However I have also made my point.

Afterward I went to the gym.
There was no Zumba so I was more than happy to follow my own gym program.

Here is reported below for everybody record.

Chest, Shoulder, back muscle, abdominal and again back muscle.

I came back to the apartment by walking on my own.
I left at 6:40 pm and signed back in at 7:10pm

Over the weekend I was back home in La Canada. So no grocery on Saturday evening
I was back from Saturday April 15 to Sunday April 16. Last Sunday it was Easter.

On Saturday morning we first took Chicco to play tennis at his tennis club. Lapo wanted to bring his racket and folder as well. However he had no lesson on that day.

He was happy he was allowed to do so by Simona.

In the evening we went to have a pizza at our favorite Italian pizza place in Pasadena.
It is called Settebello

We started with some good arancini.

Lapo contributed as well to eat arancini

Chicco was both reading and eating
He is eating as much as I do.

He  got a pizza margherita with buffala verace, he was happy

I had the same pizza with some extra topping of crudo ham slices.

At the end we all shared  a focaccia alla Nutella.

The boys and Simona had a good time.

It was all delicious and very Italian meal.

On Sunday morning April 16  we went to church at S.Bede in La Canada.

The church was packed as it was Easter Sunday.
Simona and Lapo found a place to seat right in the bench in front of the church altar.
Myself and Chicco squeezed in on the back seat next to a nice lady.

Since  I was next to Chicco I gave him a $20 for the  offering.

There was no Sunday school because it was Easter Sunday.

I do  not remember what we had for lunch,  we went home for a while.

We stayed there and then we went to spend the Easter Sunday with dear friends.

We first went to the mall to Glendale looking for a dress for Lapo for his first communion.

Simona was relieved because she could find all she needed for dressing Lapo at a very convenient price point.
In about a month on  May the 13th is he doing his first communion at S.Bede.

While at the mall we had a fun demo at the Tesla booth.

Lapo was let into the car and had a lot of fun.

Here is the latest Tesla model. It is a nice SUV.

Speaking about car my wife confirmed me that I will never be able to drive again and that the current therapy at CNS is complying with this matter. 

So I have ingrained in my mind no more driving for ever. Acceptance of the status quo is acceptance of the status quo. I have a shunt and I have been scared for life.  No more work, no more travelling no more great experience.

Later during the day we were  invited at the house of Bob and Raffaella. Their house is located   in  Beverly Glenn on the hills of LA.

This is Bob our host.
He is a full  professor at at UCLA of Mechanical Engineering

Stefano, Jen were also present.
He is a professor at UCLA, she runs her own company

Here is Bob's grilled lamb for Easter. 

In this picture our youngest son Lapo is being nice to Raffaella.
Raffaella is Bob's wife.

Here are all the boys checking the result of their eggs hunt.

Lapo was skillful in getting a lot of eggs.

Both Chicco and Lapo had a very fruitful egg hunt.

Next to Chicco you will spot Lapo and then Luca. Luca is Bob and Raffaella's son.

The other two boys are Renzo and Dario and they are the son of Stefano and Jen.

Stefano is a full professor at UCLA. 

Raffaella has been landscaping the garden at her house.
All native Californian vegetation.
She told us all about it.

She is a real expert of the local plants.

Today no gym as It is my grocery shopping day

This morning was a cloudy day... better this way


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