Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday June 16

I successfully wake up today. My shunt is hurting somehow thanks a lot.

I am used to get my shunt hurting - not a big news...

Ask Zoner who implanted this device in my skull at the upper right side. It appears to me that this condition is called hydrocephalus.

It is supposed tom keep the pressure in my brain constant. I guess it is a valve that opens whenever the brain fluid pressure reached at certain point and so it released the pressure build up in the brain,.

The day is already hot outside. Triple digit temperatures are expected over the weekend.

In Bakersfield the weather condition is particularly poor. As a result of the high temperature the air is at time unhealthy.

The flowers are always a peaceful and calm view in the morning

I  had my usual healthy Organic breakfast
A  couple of banana to start.
A lot of healthy fiber, some peanut butter Bellini Jam on a couple of slices of rye bread.
Organic milk with Cereal (9g of fiber) and more fiber

Cooked Oatmeal with healthy chia seeds and a yogurt.

I was forced to get in the shed of the Swain Center... an old empty building without any significant features to report other than it is an empty shed. Sorry to be blunt but this is what it is. Amanda was there holding the camp.

Anyway the parade of the local people did not last long. I came here at "my work program"
This is another emphatic term to describe the place and the Rehabilitation Program I am following.

Along the way Alex brought patient Mr Bean which is one of the fanciest guy at CNS

Not a bad person, today it was quite and relaxed.

He is not aware of the fire alarm he has been triggering the other day.

 As it was said (Luke 23:24) Father forgive them for  they do not know what they are doing.

Short of appearing blasphemous to you, it applies perfectly well here  at Mr Bean at CNS.

Yesterday I compiled my Grocery list for shopping this incoming Saturday 

I am fully independent in buying my own Organic food and in cooking my own meal.
I want to left alone with CNS staying out of my life for as much as possible.

Today I realized I was low on trash bag so I asked more to maintenance 

Lupe came to check on the supply of the apartment. She will do her magic while I am away.
She mentioned she wants to put bleach in the toilet. 

You see I fully capable of cleaning my own things. And I keep it clean.

Yesterday I did not go to the gym on purpose to clean and cook.

Cleaning the kitchen floor by washing it after taking care of using the broom

I cleaned under the sink it was long due

You  might  recognize the following  picture as being  taken from a high angle.

I was standing on a chair of the kitchen. 

It is fun to take picture from this perspective. 

They told me not to do it as I risk to fall off and to get injured.

Well my answer is that when and if  I  fall we will talk again about it.

I made a healthy summer salad. It is Insalata di riso
Summer veggie (by the way next time I probably need to soak it quickly in hot water)

I added boiled egg and cooked  Basmati white rice in water

A can of tuna, little tomatoes, capers and Mayo

A healthy summer salad.

I had some frozen shrimp to use, however this time I opted for a different recipe.

It will be for another time when I have some more mayo. 
Beside I had to mix the white and brawn rice as I was short.

It appears my input from yesterday was well received.

The sup walked away today not bagging me any longer.

I frankly hope she is not going to bad me in the future.

I consider a sign of disrespect to have any woman in my apartment while I am there.

I do not mind really nice looking woman - but hey we are talking abut two different matters.
A few words to the wise.


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