Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday June 26

It has been a good weekend for me filled with many useful activities.

Let's  go with order.

Last Friday June 23 I  had a healthy dinner  and then went to the gym

For dinner a Quinoa salad and a couple of boiled eggs with Organic Mayo

I signed out at 5:15pm and then went to the gym

I walked to the gym and arrived well on time for my Zumba class.

Caroline was there as well, she is not participating any longer in this picture taking process.

It is  fine by me.

Salve in orange is gladly taking part.

Salve is such an understanding person with me.

I enjoyed my time over there.

I left at 7pm and started walking back to the apartment.

As I started  walking back to the apartment in the heat a person that was at the gym with me stopped by.

Her name is Trish.

 She obviously knew me as she called me with my first name.

She offered me a lift back to the apartment in her car.

So I gladly returned with her...
I teased her she should take me to drink a beer because shewas the one doing the driving.

I signed back in at the apartment and started my evening routine.

Last Saturday June 24 I woke up early as I was very busy.

On weekend I am spending my time in washing carefully all my clothes.
This time the washer and drier were in different buildings.
I ended up transferring the washed clothes in the 500 building at the 400 building had no available drier.

Anyway It  all washed and dried.
I then walked to Trader Joe's by myself after signing out.

I arrived there early to shop.

I followed my list, spent  $109.16

As I walked over there I  was able to make a small flower composition that  I brought to Jamie.

She appreciated a lot.
 Over there I also purchased a couple of strong fabric  bags.

They are made out of a strong plastic.

I will keep using them because they are performing better than the brown bags I was reusing.

Indeed the last time they ripped apart  in the bus/

This time I came back with CNS without any fall to report.

Three bags for my shopping 

Jamie had the time to pose for a picture with me.

She made me bunny hears this time.

She is such a kind person with me and makes my shopping experience always fun.

I spent $106. 16.

This total  is very much in line with my average for the last several times.

I  am fine this way, I buy all good food, and I take care of eating healthy.
To tell it all it is well above the CNS's allowance which is $75 for food.

Later that day  I made Trofie pasta al pesto.

Pesto from Trader Joe's. Olive Oil, Basil leaves and Parmesan cheese.

A spoon of the water was added  for  the sauce to moist.

I carefully controlled the salt because the Pesto already  has some salt in it.

Later that afternoon I went to watch a nice movie.

Most of the other patients went to see Transformers.
I am honestly not interested on this kind of movie.

I watched the movie called Beatrix at dinner. 

The story is centered about the figure of Beatriz played by Salma Hayek.

My way of understanding this movie is that it is a satire.

It focuses on the elitist society of the better off part of the white America.

The movie shows  the disconnection  of the white rich America to the rest of the working poor class.

To me it appears to be a satire of the well off American. Perhaps it was even a bit of a critique to the ones supporting  Mr Trump.

My family is well . They are all busy for the summer.

The kids had the summer off and Simona had a conference and a meeting in Italy to attend.

So she took the kids with her and the family is currently oversea.

Last Sunday June 25  I had my Organic breakfast

Finally I went to church in the morning.

"Who he sees me - says Jesus- sees the Father. Jesus says they will recognize you as my follower the way you love one another.

At church I gave $9.75 offering because at the movie I did not buy any drink.

While leaving the church I greeted Rose. She is Ron's mother. She was telling me about her son health status. He underwent surgery to remove a tumor at the intestine. He has been struggling to regain is health.

Rose  was telling me that he is still very weak but holding there.
Her daughter Cassie has been alternating with another daughter.

In the middle of the conversation another person jumped in.
It was very inappropriate for her.  She was a patient at CNS. All she had to say is that  she was at CNS with me. Thank you a lot for the information Angie but also for your lack of  tact and good manner.

You had to cut off the conversation with Rose about her son Ron.

It is not your fault that you are the way you are today.

Afterward I came back to the apartment had some lunch and off to  the gym

Last Sunday I also took my weight. It is 180,2lb

Good and stable, I am set at 180 lb.

Anyway after church it was my gym time.

I had a quick lunch. At 1:45 pm I as ready to go.

En route to the gym I stopped at Albertson to get some dental floss.
Then afterward I proceeded to the gym.

I arrived there at 2:15 pm.

I had time to follow my own personal program.

Here is a list from my memory book.
Each set is composed by 20 repetition repeated 3 times.
1) leg curl @5 87lb
2) Leg extension @ 61lb
3) Leg press @ 120 lb
4) chest press @58lb
5) shoulder press  @55lb
6) compound row @ 50lb
7) seated row @40lb
8) vert chest @50lb
9) crunch @ 40lb
10) rotary torso @40lb (pull chest against the pad do not use leg)

At the gym I met Suzy and Leon. They told me that they had attended a great birthday.
it was the 100th birthday of Leon's aunt.

I left at 4pm and walked back., I checked back in at 4:30pm

I greeted Ashley and Kayla at the reception.

Once back at the apartment I took  my shower and went back cooking.

Because this is very hot summer I made a summer salad.

Beside at the Homes of Hope I do not  have any place to eat comfortably.

 I need to be fast and efficient in my eating. Like some American people are used to do.
Some of them are used to eat without being aware of the food it is being eaten.

They do not take pleasure in eating nor in chewing their food.

Here at HH  there are many kids with different manners and level of understanding.

Today the bathroom was barely fine. It looked like a third class train bathroom.
Pee was on the floor.  Who would do it anyway?

I found it soiled many time before. It means I am riding on a lower deck of the boat...

I have already been told there are many kids around for summer so it is not HH fault but of those kids that misuse the bathroom. Yet I encourage you to walk on somebody's else pee on the floor.

A fulfilling experience worth a lot.

So here is my cooking 
Insalata di riso. 
Brown Basmati rice, It takes 40 minute to cook it.
It is worth it. It has a low glycemic index. It means that the sugar in the blood does not spike a lot after eating it. It is good overall. 

It has a lot of good nutrients, fibers and vitamins.

I used a variety of row vegetable.

this is the Brown Jasmine Rice package from Trader Joe's.

I cut all the veggies in small cubes. I mixed it with the cooked rice.
 I open a can of tuna  and mixed it with the Organic mayo I had.

In this way a great and healthy  Insalta di Riso is done.

I am set for a few days. I refrigerated it. In the fridge it will last for a couple of days.

The last time I was at home it was last month for a dinner celebration. Simona's mom Anna had made a great rice salad. So I got inspired by her cooking skills.

Whenever my son Chicco hears  that I am making a rice salad, he kids with me because I am making it again. It is a light and healthy food for the summer. 
It is blazing hot in Bakersfield so this is working very well. 

I eat it cold without spending any time in warming it up.

Well, it is a healthy food to make. I like it and it gives me time to do anything else.

And in fact for lunch today I had a grapefruit and some insalata di riso

This morning the air is already hot

I went at the park for a walk no newspaper as every Monday there are very very limited number of  newspapers
I mean who is buying nowadays the newspaper anyway. 
this is a business that is going down the drain

Park today

The family is well. I missed my time window to talk with my family.
It will be for another day.

These roses have been carefully selected among the bushes of the roses.

A lot of them have dying flowers.

This morning I made some overnight oats.

I have been following this preparation procedure that had been written in my memory book under June 6th.

It came out well, so I am making a new batch on a regular basis.

The oat are not cooked they are soaked overnight in liquid to soften.

I am simply a fun of it.


Memories of the boys in Verona, Italy from last year.

Visiting Castel Vecchio in Verona

At home with my brother, his wife and my mother

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