Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday June 23 the ostrich

Finally I had a good night of sleep,
No supervisors interrupted my shower nor my sleep.
No Barios no Morales whatsoever around.

I made Overnight Oat yesterday

Here is the recipe I am following, courtesy of the net.

A cup of raw Oat, a tad of salt, a tad of sugar, a cup of  yogurt, a tbs of chia seeds, 
For liquid I am using  a half cut of  regular milk, a quarter of a cup of coffee.

The recipe states to use coconut milk. I am not convinced about it.

It also states to let it chill in the fridge overnight . The Oat will absorb the liquid and  soften by itself.

The chia seeds will expand by virtue of being soaked in the liquid.

This is a very healthy meal for my breakfast.

I eat it cold as right  now the temperature is really hot.

I am having a great time taking care of myself.

I had a great healthy Organic breakfast.
I use Blueberry, High Fiber  Cereal (9g), Omega trek mix cereal, cold  Organic Milk

It is all healthy and great for  me.

It keeps me full for a while.

Yesterday evening I kept myself busy. With in house activities. I did not go to the gym.

As mentioned to you they woke me up two night ago  so I could  not sleep well.

I wrote a letter to the boys and send it back home to La Canada.

I cooked myself a very healthy dinner.

I washed the Quinoa carefully with a fine mesh colander under running water. 
This removes the bitter coating from the Quinoa

I boiled the quinoa with water and added a bouillon cube to it.
I decided it was time for cooking  the Salmon so I proceeded  with  it.

All it takes is  very hot large pan and a few minutes per side.
It is a quick fish to cook.

Here is the Quinoa and the cooked Salmon.

 I added some fancy dressing such as Olive Oil, balsamic vinegar.

A healthy dinner is served.

See what it looks like when you take care of yourself?

Of course after all this cooking activity the sink is full of pot to clean.

No problem there is a solution for everything.

Scrubbing all the port  with patience. Afterward I set the dishwasher to go.
I found that it works best when you first clean the dishes and pot in water. Then later do the rest with the dishwasher.

While the dishes were going I took care of cleaning the kitchen.

I took care of cleaning the kitchen floor with a broom.

I washed the tile floor of the whole apartment with a swifter.

I it all clean for another day.

I like to keep it clean. I feel I  am compelled to keep it clean. As it goes here in Bakersfield , there is a lot of dust in the air.

Of course this morning we all  had "Therapy" at the local shack. In the local lingo it is called  the Swain Center . A great therapeutic place to enjoy the warm feeling of the day.

The Shack is a large building with nothing inside, a few large tables a few chairs. When patients move the chairs around they produce a screeching sound because they do not have any protective pad at the end of their legs.  Easy to fix it.  BTW  in the shack  no restroom nothing of nothing.

And you call it a therapeutic environment?  Give me a break please.

Based on my personal assessment it is a sad examples of one of the main failure of CNS.

They believe they are the best in their field. Let's pretend to agree with this mantra

Anyway everybody at CNS knows this undeniable fact.  They are not able to do anything for those who stay. They stay there because they can not do anything else.

They are fully conscious of these limitations.

That is perhaps why I get in and get out after reading the newspaper... mostly what it does interest to me. A lot of time it does not report much going on, despite the fact that the world is a busy place with a lot of facts happening. I am not interested in the local news as much as you are .

I believe there is a whole world outside Bakersfield. It is a place for people to have a life and for people to confront each others against their own goals. So what are you really interested about in life?

To stay a local person, not aware of what happens over there ?

Many people are happy this way,  because being taking care of your own turf might feel  more secure.

A lot of American people feel this way. They have shown it in the latest election cycle.
They turn on their brains only once every few years. And this is already a huge effort for the place.

The truth of the matter is that in today's world globalization is a powerful force.

You buy many international made products, you dress with clothes made in China.

You  also breath the pollution made in China for once.

Only the ones that believe they can behave like ostrich will

The the analogy of the ostrich. is fully complete.

History and the world in fact has shown that there is nothing more false that pretending to be an ostrich. Repeatedly has shown that you have to dare to look upfront for the future and you have to embrace changes.

BTW they should put this picture at the Swain Center or at least to show it to all the sup - Morales included.

Here is just an example for them to browse during their free time. It is a set of opening on a local store.

BTW my own lunch Quinoa Salad again

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