Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday June 9

Here what I had to put up yesterday.,.
Here is the note I sent yesterday to everybody.

Well a note a complaint and frustration with you : transportation late today and nobody that assumes responsibility for it
Just to name one Anna D. just  mentioned she is not responsible for transportation
Fair enough however the situation does not change if it were me being off by 50 cents on my bill miss Mary would notice it, isn't ?
So are taking the blame and worth 50 cents dear CNS ?

Here is the answer by  Anna D. accusing their fault

Giuseppe,  I understand you are frustrated, when speaking to you on the phone I stated I would speak to the appropriate people to see what we can do to make sure you are picked up on time. I again apologies for any inconvenience this may of caused you, If needed I will start to schedule it or pick you up myself to fix this situation in the future.         Thank you 

Again in a nutshell, Giuseppe please suck it up for the time being you are fulling captive of our service - most time bad- hence please such it  the service ... and I am using this verb with accurate choice of words because this is what she actually Anna  means.

So yesterday I had a very enlightening patience experience at CNS.I was finally taken at the CNS apartment
IF you want to read the following you are better to learn some Italian

Ho preparato la lista della spesa per sabato prossimo, come da programma al CNS. 

Ho cucinato la mia cena e ho pulito l'appartamento come da manuale

Ho Preparato delle  Trofie al salmone  per cena perche' mi piace cucinarmi la pasta al sugo. 

Ho cucinato  da me stesso il  sugo al salmone perche' avevo del salmone avanzato dall'altro giorno. 

Vedete  Usando il cibi che aveno a disposizione ho tagliato il sedano a pezzetti, le carote a dadini, i pomodori a fette

Ho cucinato il sugo con un po' di soffritto e ho usato  della salsa al pomodoro e basilico che aveno comperato da Trader Joe's

Trofie al salmone con il sugo che delizia!

Alla fine ho messo sul sugo al pesce del Parmigiano grattuggiato.
In Italia nessuno metterebbe Parmigiano sul sugo di pesce. Non sanno che cosa si perdono.
Come dice mia moglie io non sono italiano visto che non ho mai veramente vissuto laggiu.

 I nostri bambini -che sono americani - usano mettere il Parmigiano sul sugo. Ho imparato da loro che sono dei veri esperti

Ho aggiunto del peperoncino al sugo per creare un po' di sapore  estivo e delle foglie spezzettate di  basilico.

Ecco qui il piatto di pasta pronto e fumante

Devo dire che e' molto buono.

All fine del cucinare si deve anche metter a posto.

 Cosi come chi  cucina  pulisce la sua postazione 
cosi e' stato per me.  Ho colto l'occasione per pulire dentro  il frigorifero in modo accurato

Ho lavato i cassetti del frigorifero sotto l'acqua del rubinetto

Ho lavato sotto il getto del lavandino gli scomparti di vetro del frigo

Ho pulito per terra con la scopa

Ho lavato il  pavimento della cucina e salotto con lo swifter 

Alla fine tutto era pulito

Questa foto l'ho fatta stando in piedi sopra  una sedia...riesce meglio la visione panoramica dell'appartamento.

Avevo finito di mangiare e di pulire. Ho notato che ero a corto di Listerine per pulirmi i denti cosi' ho fatto sign out e sono andato dal supermercato Albertson

Sono passato alla reception per fare sign out. Abertson  e'un miglio a piedi nella direzione della palestra. In una plaza dove vado spesso a prentere quello che mi serve nonche' a tagliarmi i capelli da The Uppercut  un posto semplice semplice che preferisco rispetto a GreatClips.

L'ultima volta che sono andato a Great Clips - vari mesi fa- mi avevano registrato come Joseph_CNS...

Sorry guys devo dire che avete fatto proprio la scelta sbagliata e  in fondo in fondo sono contento perche' mi avete permesso di scoprire un altro barbiere piu' conventiente.

In ogni caso ieri sera sono uscito per fare due passi.

Ho fatto due miglia dopo cena. Uno ad andare e uno a tornare tanto e' vicino agli appartamenti sullo stesso percorso per andare in pelestra.

La receptionist Taylor era informata delle mie attivita' cosi ho impiegato venti minuti per andare e venti per tornare indietro. Buona passeggiata per digerire dopo cena.

Al negozio mi conoscono di faccia e sono sempre gentili con me.

By the way a girl came to do my coverage and I sent her away... thanks but no more useless people over there. Question they have- very noisy.What do you do, how are you doing how is your family... 

Finally I had the chance of taking my night showers, get my meds and reluctantly go to bed...

In the morning I  stood up very eager to stand up.

Of course no newspaper today... who cares anyway ?
I heard NPR news instead... far more real time than the newspaper of Bakersfield.

Comey testimony  is everywhere, there is no place to hide for the President.

We will see how the situation evolves in Washington.

It is very European to look at the political dynamic of the world.
For the most part American people do no care at all so  self absorbed with their own life.

They are forced to vote for a new President once every four years. In between they delegate their duty by being completely off the matter. There are mid terms election granted so they are called to renew half of the house of representatives and half of the senators. This is a chance for the nation to change course if it is not happy with the course of the things.

It is such an effort to go to vote every two years to take care of the Nations. Yes four years for President and the houses and every two to elect half of the Senators and Representatives.

It is such an effort that most of American people do not care about showing up to vote at all. There are a bit more than 3 million people voting in the US election...yet you can vote by ballot, you are not even requested to go find the actual poll stations.

Anyway flowers today let's talk about flowers

I refused to get in the Swain Center today.

An example of a place I am done with. I will refuse every day to get into that sad sad place.

For my birthday I had received this issue of National Geographic.

So I stood outside reading it and reading again.

Can't stand the Swain Center  nor the environment.

I do not apologize for it at all I am fully aware of my choice...

I only have a note of  compassion of the NRS for their lack of abilities and of opportunities because I see they  trapped themselves at CNS.

It would be interesting to run a study: what is the average staying at CNS for a NRS?

I can see there are very old people at CNS, call it lack of opportunity or prospective in life. Call it a way toward retirement. Can you blame them for not trying harder in life?

I do not know, but there are many people at CNS that have made it a profession to be there.

I guess we can condone a few old people that get stuck in this job... Let's call it a path toward retirement . Not everybody is a risk taker. Particularly old people.

There are very young lady as well, a first job is a first job. Perhaps they should try Barista at Starbucks, similar level of skill set. Maybe similar pay grade and/or benefit.

There is not going to be any longer Swain Center for me.  This is for sure.

I am done with all that incredible powerful place.
Can you blame me?

A buon intenditore poche parole ( few words to the wise)
Enjoy the reading.

Sent from my iPhone

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