Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wednesday June 21

It is a blazing hot time of the year in Bakersfield.
It is the first day of Summer and the heat is on for another couple of days.

The temperature is soaring. Right now it is 39C,  later today in the afternoon it is going to be even higher at  42C.
My phone says in the mid 40C.

I am drinking plenty of water, eating light.

After my gym time I have a banana with peanut butter. I drink a lot of water and have  alot of   electrolytes in the form of kitchen salt, ice tea and post gym work out mix.

Hopefully this is all re balancing the fluids and mineral in my body. I am loosing it all through my sweat.

I am trying to find the best way to keep me healthy and in good shape.

The news of the day is that one of the nose pad of my eyeglass fell off today.
 I let Anna know about it.

Simona mentioned that I can  find it easily at eye mart on Ming avenue.

I will go  there as soon as possible as I can not wait a few more  days.

I realized that it is also time for me to get a hair cut. This is most definitely a lower priority
 as the barber shop is always there.

Last time I had one was on March 20th. I started going to a nice local barber shop.

It is called the Upper cut. I like it because I can walk in on route to the gym.

I can just walk in, have a simple and functional  hair cut and walk out.
Simple and easy the way I like it to be.

Yesterday evening I had a great dinner with burrata cheese  and a salad.

I sliced a whole heirloom tomato, a couple of avocados,  a few carrot carrots, celery and used some spinach.

Home made dressing with balsamic glaze, Olive Oil salt and basil leaves.

It looks beautiful and tastes really good.

Afterward I went to the gym.

CNS dropped me off over there on time for my class.

I signed out at 5:20 pm .
I had a couple of class scheduled. First it was Body pump with Ellie.

I am using  light weight as I  am focusing on repetition,  range of motion and endurance.
I am not there to bulk up. For a moment I tried heavier weight and realized my body is not build for it and came back with a back ache.  I am rather feeling well this way.

Later I  had Zumba with Mike.

It is a fun dance at the sound of music. Crowded by a  lot of people all following the music rhythm,

I left  the gym at 7pm.

While I was leaving the gym the girls at the reception where screaming in agitation.

A small rat had managed to enter inside the gym door.  It was most likely looking for a cooler place to stay. Outside it is blazing hot temperature.

So the  girls at the gym chase him and boxed with a carton box.


I then returned back to the apartment by myself. It takes me abut 30 minutes at that time of the day to safely get back walking along the road.

Oh yes because  my driving privileges have been suspended. Currently there are no therapies  that  are working on this matter. In other words nobody is doing anything about it.
I do not have any specific tools or rehabilitation, nor anybody shows any concern about it,
Had I have a road map to follow then I would hold to it.

However at CNS nobody that I remember has taken this matter at hands.
Let's move on...

Everybody is cool with it. At least at the old clinic there was a dynastar room that was devoted to this

Anyway I signed back in at 7:25pm


A great cold shower, a light snack and some electrolyte to refuel my body.

I woke up at six am as always - I am going to bed at 9pm at the very latest when nursing is coming to bring my heavily controlled sleeping medication. It is called Ambient. It is a potent drugs only Nursing can touch it.

I slept very well and felt rested.
At  the apartment in the morning it is all a noise concerto. A concerto grosso of dust blowers, grass mowing machines and so forth so on.

You can say there  place is pretty noisy in the morning.  Well the garden is manicured every so often, the dust is removed using blowing machine.

It all settle in the adjacent apartment. For instance my apartment is constantly in need of cleaning.
Let's return to the pool area
Since I let them know about my displease the pool area has been more silent. Hopefully it stays this way. You never know how they are.

Imagine that they used to hold reunions  at the pool. Here  relatives of  patients or patients themselves without any regard for the quite time had a great time. Laughing, lessening to live radio music, openly partying, talking lough in the night. 

The whole nuisance approach that American people are capable of whenever they are carelessly partying. 

It is their birth right to party. Perhaps not so fast. Our kids are American and they are well behaved.

So there is something to be said about Parent Education and example.

As expected this morning I woke up with my right eye hurting. It is always the case whenever I getting into any significant effort of any nature.

It is part of how my body reacts to both the heat and the physical exercise. Indeed it is blood pressure related.
I know it, you know it, Nursing knows it, we are all managing it at the very best.

Lunch at homes of hope has been the usual miss opportunity of eating peacefully.
I am always surrounded by screaming kids, most of them are screaming loudly and messed around the place.
I eat by myself in the middle of the mess, trying to avoid paying attention to the environment.
However it is hard. Imagine you had lunch on a regular basis at a day care among screeching kids.
Of course not your kids. Of course my kids would never behave like them.

I am eating in the middle of this messy situation and I am thinking that in French there is a slang expression for eating. Well it is in "Argot" the unofficial colloquial language of the youth,

As I have mentioned to you many times French people would tell you J'ai bien bouffe'
I just realized that you can also translate bouffer with the verb to guzzle.

To guzzle something is the same as to bouffer something.

A gas guzzler is a car that eat large amount of gas. Well bouffer your food is used in French's slang to indicate that you have had your food buy eating voraciously it like animals tend to do with their food.

Et donc j'ai bien bouffe' merci becoup pour le service et pour la tranquillite'.

This morning I went to the Swain Center and then CNS took me to my work program.
There was no water in the unit. Just taking care of this matter I called CNS miss Mary to let her know that they are supposed to have water available in the unit. This is a regulation of CNS. I have not pulled out of my own imagination.

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