Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thursday June 15

I had my normal morning routine today  until the fire alarm broke off my peaceful day.

The result is that I was forced to stay out because when the alarm sounds CNS is always right.

I was already outside and  the whole complex  paraded  in front of my eyes to assemble in the park.

The fact is that the guy who triggered the fire alarm is Mr Bean the funniest guy at CNS.

You should see Mr Bean he is an exemplary human being... all dressed in different colors always taking care of what matters to him.

His big belly is as big as his recycle supply, his tinted hairs and his long tinted beard..
Hey everybody is different they told me once.

Well I am the very epitome of feeling different from all the CNS guys. This is why I do not accept nor like CNS' people as a whole.

Anyway  congratulation Mr Beans, it would not be CNS without a Mr Bean around.

Well the result of  Mr Ben doing is that the Sup Melanie Rodriguez run into CNS'a apartment  621  without any grace nor consideration. Granted she is a female although a very unattractive one to me at least, and I am a male patient. So I certainly would appreciate her doing her job  with a different angle.
Beside I had many bad experience with her, she has been splattering in the open all of her private life -which I will not reported here- she has been very open and non considerate of her audience exactly as if we patients do not exists. At least she is consistent with her poor manners...

Perhaps she should find herself a different job... a real job where customer service is a priority.

Granted at CNS she does not have a clue about how to be a private person and how to  keep her life private.

I would not mind being visited by a more charming lady other than this unattractive sup- she is far beyond my personal inclination and taste.
Caveat ugly supervisor.

Today I got paid, it is a wonderful salary worth the astonishing amount of $75 for food and $24 for leisure.

My case manager once asked me what do I do to deserve a salary raise..

Well the list I have assembled in long and detailed.I am surviving my daily struggle at CNS. Is this not enough?

Imagine that the Insurance is really making a huge effort there.

Here is the view of the park today

While waiting outside the Swain Center Ms Amanda approached me with a few ideas.
She told me that she has some office contract for me to look this next Friday.
It is a new project for me.

Both Amanda and her husband are very kind persons with me.

Amanda always addresses me as Dr Rossi. Her husband John always calls me" Signore" in Italian, it means Sir.

They are both very considerate people.  I have the  greatest respect for  the both of them.

I am ready to be following Amanda's  proposal we will see  how well this is working out.

Flowers of  the day

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment after my therapy tour.

I distributed to all CNS apartments  the schedule for the week. 

Then  as a reward I was automatically  booked for the movie outing this incoming Saturday.

I want to see the latest Pixar movie, It is Cars-3

Later  I cooked  wild Atlantic salmon in the oven.

I seasoned it  with a bit of salt, fresh garlic, pepper and  I used some lemon juice that I had squeeze for this purpose

I cooked in the oven for 20 minute together with the lemon.

I also made a summer salad
All good  and tasty

I have been reading that I should replace cooking white wine with rice vinegar.

I have never purchased it so today I will add to my list for grocery shopping. I can buy next Saturday.

For lunch I had the left over Salmon with White Basmati Rice and a grapefruit.
Enough for today.

The room was filled with little kiddos, they have been very polite as they asked me if they could come in to eat. 

They played with the big TV.
I noticed they eat all sort of snack and poor food. I wonder who is taking care of their nutrition habits.

If you want to grow having a good diet you are better to train your brain from an early age.

It is hard to change once it get adjusted to eating  a poor food diet composed by salty snacks, no fiber a lot of additive flavoring

I guess this is the way it proceeds nowadays in this area.

In my home my family do eat well, My wife is very vigilant to make sure our kids have the best food available. 
The boys are eating healthy and always prime nutrients.

There is no pleasure in eating among a bunch of screaming kids...
There is no pleasure in being here,

By the way here is my logbook

Enjoy the reading. 
I am taking it easy today 
Thank you for the alarm system .. it is a pleasure experiencing all the care on my skin first hand

I am feeling sick at my stomach

Speaking of morning sickness every time I step in the Swain Center I feel nauseated.

This is a a little shed in front at the apartment with noting into it.

There is not even a bathroom... call it a powerful facility?

Call it for what it is a shed a garage a cheap place with a roof and a few windows nothing more no more positive attribute to describe it.
I feel overwhelmed every time I step in it.

Actually a progress from the AAC is that they do not change any patient in it, so there is not much smell of human excrement like it was the case at AAC.

Honestly I see the biggest limitation of CNS all their pomposity regarding their pretend deployment of rehabilitation facilities.

It is like a prison to me... condemned for life at CNS yet far from being free as the role of CNS is to remind every single day that I am a Brain Damaged Persons and for this I will always hold you CNS accountable  because you guys are not what you pretend you sell your self for.

As I mentioned many time screwed once screwed for life thanks to CNS.

Oh by the way ... are you sure that there is no body else to blame over there ...
Well I am talking to you

Annoyed and absolutely disgusted

My stomach and my head are upside down
thank you Mr Bean you are unique
That is it.

By the way I feel sorry for your sups. She is  a very very sad figure around.
Giuseppe Rossi

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