Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tuesday June 20 2017

It is a boiling hot day in Bakersfield.

I feel the heat getting into everybody. I am practicing my skills to stay cool by taking cold shower and soaking my hat in cold water.

It works somehow. The heat gets me throughout the day.

I am dressed in an extremely casual way.

I had a good cold breakfast today
Cold Oatmeal and cold cereal

Cereal with 9 grams of Fiber, blueberry and Omega Trek mix.

A cup of coffee, too hot to drink it without ice.

The mug says "In Coffee Veritas". It can be translated as " you will find the truth in the coffee".

It would appear that Latin is quite  a synthetic language. 

Today at the Swain Center they told me they were going to take me to the clinic for  measuring my  weight.

I showed them that I took it last Sunday. It is 180.4lb

I am fully capable of taking care by myself , it is a simple weight measurement.
Not that complicated.

I sent it to everybody that matters of course as I am used to do. As soon as I showed them the picture of the phone they accepted it.

LCD screens and back lid display makes it hard to read it. You have to tilt your head to capture the right angle. As always this is a classical limitation of  polarized light.
Well the the LDC allows only a certain polarized light passing through it.

I then took this morning again and it is 181.6 lb fully dressed.

A pound worth of clothes, key and shoes is totally fin for me.

I quickly went outside the apartment to check the park and the flower 
the heat is on in all Bakersfield.

The are people working at the light post in the park. Most likely they are replacing the lamps

The flowers near the apartment are holding well. Some of the roses are better than the others.

I took a few pictures of the ones that look being well to me.

Similar shape and color.

Yesterday I have been cooking and cleaning 

Before getting to the cooking part which is fun let's focus on the duty which is also fun but for a different reason

I cleaned inside all the big closet. I have not been gone inside it for a while.

These are the ones that normally use to  store my shopping bags and the vacuum cleaner.

Once done I put back everything in orderly fashion. You see it is all organized and cleaned.

I like to be organized as much as I can.

I also cleaned inside the compartment above it  where the paper towel and trash bags are located.

I cleaned the surface of the kitchen furniture 

I took the chance of cleaning on the top of the refrigerator by using my long arm

As it was all cleaned around I took the time of carefully focusing on the  tile floor of the apartment.

After sweeping the floor with a brush I proceeded with washing it.

I used several Swifter pads to clean it carefully.


There is so much dust in town that I feel I can do this work everyday and yet find the same level of  accumulated dust.

Before cleaning the apartment I spent my day cooking. 

An activity that I like doing by myself

I cooked a healthy rice salad. I cooked brown rice, boiled a few eggs.

I chopped some fresh veggies.  I used left over capers and Organic Mayo with Olive Oil and salt.

I also added  some defrosted shrimp 

It is a healthy summer time meal.

I also cooked the eggplant I purchased last Saturday.

I  chopped some garlic cloves and basil leaves very fine.

Before using the big knife I sharped it.
Here I learned to use the back of a ceramic cup to sharpen the blade.

It works as well as a sharpening shone beside it is a readily available within my apartment.

I've been chopping carefully by avoiding to leave a finger of mine.

I laid out  the ingredients on the boards

I sliced the  eggplant. I cooked it by processing a batch of a few slices at the time.

I made sure both side of the eggplant were equally cooked and I used clamps to turn it in the pan.

Finally I assembled each batch by alternating the following ingredients.

A layer of eggplant slices and a layer of chopped garlic,  basil leaves ,salt, pepper flakes. It all got  soaked in a generous amount of  Olive Oil.

Here is the result of my cooking 

I set in a plastic container and left in the fridge to soak for a few days.

It is undergoing the process of maceration which enhances the flavor  and farther tenderize the eggplant.

I then took my shower and waited for nursing to come with my sleeping pills.

As I was ready to rest here what happened

It is 8:51pm
You have came to get me
Meds for sleep
By the pool area laughing loud radio 📻 and careless attitude
I called Jose he told me he would take care ...
I am going to take care by myself.

Actually I was really annoyed by those careless individuals. I went outside and risen my voice to ask them to keep it down.

Mindless people I guess you find all sort of  careless behavior at CNS.

This is why I am not inclined to associate myself with anyone of the CNS people.

I do my things and take care of myself only.  However I draw a line when the Outside people are behaving as if they own this place.
Enjoy the reading.

My mother in Italy is well she is getting though her therapy and suffering for the heat in Verona.

The family in California is doing well. The kids had tennis camp today and the heat was on like most of California. They had tuna sandwich for lunch.
They are now relaxing, reading and doing some homework.

They are great kiddos.

During these days I am going to the Swain Center because the AAC has been torn apart.

After staying at the AAC for a bit I am coming to my work program. I am exploring my memories and feeling for the day.

I am taking break from the computer at regular time as recommended to me by my Case Manager.

It is done for today.
Enjoy the reading.
I am planning to go to the gym today.. we will see .

Yesterday during my cleaning spree I strained a muscle. It is located at the right harm on my neck.

Too much cleaning I realized. And I initially thought I had slept in a bad position.

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