Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday June 19

I started preparing overnight Oat for breakfast
Needless to say I am convinced by its good  taste, feeling and texture for my  morning meal.

Last Friday I left early to meet with Amanda the director of Homes of Hope.
She mentioned me she has some work for me when I am ready.

She mentioned it is building a database for adoption contracts.

I have had a sense of it. I will get to this matter in the next few days. Once I am settled with all this matter. I am filling my daily blog to recollect the events and feeling of the day.

Last Friday  June 16 I went to Zumba at the Gosford gym the instructor was Nissy. She is the nice lady at my right hand side of this picture

I walked to the gym by myself by leaving at 5:10pm. I arrived at 5:40pm.  My class started at 5:45pm. Afterward I came back waking by myself . I left at 6:45pm . I  signed  in at 7:15pm
I greeted Kayla at the reception at the  gym.

She mentioned that some times she is working at the reception at the 24 fitness gym in Gosford.

I greeted Britney who was working out with her sister.

At the gym they know me very well and they whole instructors body accepts to take picture the first time with me. I am explaining this is for my memory book. Repetition and images.

I had a rough night on Saturday as I was awaken by Mr Pratt swearing and coursing.
He is from a lower apartment.

His brain injury is such that he swears to everyone and everybody. 

He is always in a very very very bad mood.

I have learned so many insults and bad words from his mouth.

Normally I frankly do not care about it but when it affects my sleep  and shouts at night I am annoyed at him as if you were with anybody that wakes you up at night with a scream.

Like here you  can  determine my genuine status of mind dear CNS.
Simply  put you have to gather it  by  at my shut wide open eyes

Anyway let's move on

Over the weekend I wrote two letters.
The first one is for my mother.
It is written in Italian my mother language.

Italiano e' la mia lingua madre non importa se non lo parlate.

I can write in Italian,  English and French .

Si vous voulez je vais vous ecrirer en Francais aussi
Et voila mais je suis sure que vous ne omprenderez pas.

It means if you want I can write in French however I am sure you are not going to understand it

Here is the letter in Italian 

The second letter is for the boys. It is written in English and block letters.

The kids speak Italian however they are not able to read it. As a result whenever I am writing to them  I use English which is their school language

I gave both letters to Simona as she was visiting me over the weekend.

On Saturday June 17 I took care of cleaning all my things in the apartment - to change the bed and to do the usual cleaning tasks of the weekend.

Once done I signed out and walked to Trader's  Joe. I enjoying a lot staying by myself.

As always I am carrying a lot of water with me and sprinkling it on my head to cool down.

I arrived there had a lot of fun Jamie with the green shirt  is always great with me.

She  allowed me to pretend using the cash register.

I purchased everything on my list. I purchased flowers for Simona my wife.

I spent $75 from CNS plus $34 on the card that Simona had left me.

The bus was packed with barely any place left.

In stepping in the bus I felt on the floor and landed flat also  I hurt my right leg below the knee.

Here is my  leg. You will notice a bit of a small hematoma  right below my knee.

Nobody helped me nor was apparently concerned.

 This is the wonderful world of being a patient of CNS.  In my opinion everybody there  is a bit autistic in this regards. They are disconnected to the others and lack empathy. They are all enclosed on their own feeling and primordial needs. I describe it as pretty autistic behavior.

Simona came with the boys at lunch time.
They both will need a hair cut. I suppose they are both going to wait a bit.
They will be going soon away for summer vacation

We went to eat Sushi at Ichiban on Gosford.

We were all happy as we had Sushi

Chicco reluctantly  allowed Simona to kiss  him on the neck

Lapo did his best with the chopstick and the specif tools for kids.

Lapo is always ready to get embrace and kissed by Simona 


Lapo is at a different stage than our eldest son Chicco.

When my family came  for a visit. I was ready to give them the flowers for Simona  and the letters.
Last Sunday it was Father Day in US.

This is a different calendar as in Italy it happens on march.

I went to church it was the Corpus Christ recurrence.

At Church I gave the whole $24 of outing money because I did not went to the movie on Saturday.
There was nothing interesting to watch.

Once back at CNS I checked in an I am suppose to get a receipt from the reception of $24.

However this time the reception was manned by Caesar the sup. He did not know anything or he played a dummies  with me. I felt insulted by his inability of fulfilling his tasks. He looked at me asking what I needed. Well as he is a sup manning the reception desk he should have been aware of what his duties are. I guess this is comparable to accepting a job without knowing  how to full fill it.

I felt bad for his inability and for him doubting my words.

I had my lunch. A Fresh summer salad with oranges.

Finally the time came for me to go to the gym by myself. Per my Rehabilitation Program I am going to the gym at 2pm every Sunday.

At 2pm Briana dropped me off at the Gosford gym.  I had my great time.

I followed my body and my brain with my  own routine.

First of all I greeted all the people at the reception.

Kayla is a nice lady working over there. Adam is the manager and he is a build up guy. He has been battling with a bad arm.

Here is the program I am following at the gym.

Each item is 3 x 20 time

1)  Leg Curl  87lb
2) Leg Extension  61 lb
3) Leg press 120 lb
4) Chest press 58 lb
5) shoulder press 55lb
6) compound row 50lb
7) seated row 50 lb
8) seated vert ped dec  50 lb (tough setting)
9)crunch  50 lb
10) rotary torso 40lb  ( pull chest against the pad do not use shoulder)

stretching accurately

Finally I left at 4pm. I walked back and at 4:30 pm I was back. I pressed the main gate speaker and announced myself like Simona did  on Saturday with the car. I said Giuseppe Rossi and family.

The CNS  opened the main gate for me. I went to sign myself  back in  however they told me to use the small gate the next time around. As I do not have any car at CNS.

It is fine it was a good way to get back to CNS.

For the evening I made Trofie tricolore al pesto.
It is a wonderful little pasta that I cooked on the stove.

I used Pesto sauce I purchased earlier at Trader Joe's.

I added fresh basil leaves from my plant.

I reserved a small cup of water of the pasta for mixing with the sauce.
Here it is. In my opinion it looks great.

A bit of Parmesan cheese and a lot of Olive Oil.

I love pasta don't you?

I guess I will be going on pasta for the next few days.
I do alternate carbs from pasta with other food.

Today for instance I had brought the left over Insalata di riso I made earlier.
A large grapefruit to eat.

Enjoy the reading the family is doing well the boys were doing their homework

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