Thursday, June 1, 2017

Thursday June 1st 2017

I had a good night sleep. I am sleeping  better and better. When it is my bed time I go back to bed and sleep very soundly. It is very important to be well rested. Sleeping well affects one's mood and cognitive tasks as reported as well by the newspaper today.

I completed money management today. I had my $75 for Grocery and $24 for outing.

As I met at the reception my IPC she signed off on my cash req for an extra $40.

I am using the extra money for grocery.

By the way I am working hard for my money. Every day I throw away the CNS trash that is left on the stair by Doug.. I am keeping my apartment clean and in order. I cook by myself I run by myself my life.. the only things  I have to wait for is for the input for my IPC to get a bit of money...
Great feeling to wait for it... at the end I am getting what I am expecting for.

The other day I calculated my average expense for grocery shopping for the past four weeks. It stands at $92.8. Hence the extra money from my personal account really helps me making ends meet.

I eat a lot of good food as I am going to the gym a  lot and burn so many calories during my day.

In the morning I did my usual walking in the park.

Long strides pushing from my heels.

Breathing the peaceful time of the morning hours.

I like it that way.

I helped around at my best obviously it is good seeing me working in the morning.

This morning I went to the Swain Center like yesterday. I read the news of the day to my audience.

I found this an interesting article about a large airplane being build in Bakersfield Mojave

It is called Stratolauch.
Here is a picture from the newspaper web site.

Another interesting article related to the local community is about the so called speak easy house.

This house has been moved around to avoid destruction  because it was standing on the path of the new road project. Many houses have been demolished to make space. Obviously it was worthy to save this one.

This morning I have done already a lot of activities. It means I had a good  resting night.

Early on I had  set the crockpot with some chicken breast

I added carrots, garlic cloves,  a couple of potatoes.

I had received  a lot of Fresh Rosemary that my Case Manager brought me from her house.

I added a bay leaf that I had in my cooking cabinet.

I set it cooking on high for six hours, roughly  the time I will be out of the apartment for my morning Therapy.

My morning breakfast has been as healthy as possible.

Cooked Oatmeal, peanut butter and honey mixed together.

Cold high fiber cereal,  Milk mixed cashew and nuts.

Finally a yogurt with Chia seeds.

I duly waited to 7:30 am to call home for the boys.
At the time they both were up and ready for their day.
They had crepe for breakfast

Very soon the school is over for them.

My wife Simona is well today she is busy as she is giving exams to her students. 

So let her be, do not call her at her phone she can not answer because she is busy.

I hope she finds her students  being  ready on the subject.
Yesterday I have received a new set of bouillon cube for cooking.

My wife sent it using  Amazon Prime service.

It is a very convenient way to deliver to me the few items I need here in Bakersfield.

These cubes are the Italian brand that I am using for cooking.

Yesterday evening I distributed the Wednesday schedule at all the apartment.
  Because I will not able to attend the movie activity for the week I did no signed up for it.

I made a good and healthy dinner. First I cooked Basmati rice, then I added a couple of eggs with grated Parmesan Cheese and  a tad of milk.

I mixed it all and made a great frittata.

As a side dish I made a great healthy salad with these elements.

I ate  it and finally I was ready to go to the gym.

I took the van from CNS and Brianna drove me to the gym.

I  was on time for what matters to me.

Body pump with Sylvia. 

It is a great class based on strength and range of motion.

I did it very enthusiastically and was happy to see Sylvia encouraging the class by saying Let's go pumpers.. I stayed there until a few minutes past seven then walked back to the apartment where I signed back on at 7:40 pm.

I must have done a wrong movement as I had  a painful feeling on my right wrist.
It is al right though. 
The usual routine for the evening followed.
I had a night of sound sleep, very helpful and very restoring for me.

I wake up at 6am ready for my day. I  have a new set of med and med sheets that was delivered yesterday night.

Well let's review the  US news of the day.

The Paris agreement was put in place to control the irreversible effects on the climate.  Industrial activities have altered the fragile balance of the climate. The result has been disruption of  the weather cycles.

Mr Trump has just announced the US has left the Paris accord on the climate.

 It shows arrogance, ignorance and stupidity.

All qualities that the President is well versed upon.

To tell it all, he has been given a mandate when he was elected.

Now he is delivering on his promises.
My own personal view is that the ones that have elected him  -only 46% of the vote went for him while 48% went for Hillary - are the people that do not care much for the outside world they are living in.
It is the "American first"  approach of the world  so much despised by the Europeans country.

Oh yes because you have to remember during the recent meeting in Brussels the President was isolated and left by himself in a sign of clear distance with his counterparts.

Next he is going to start building the wall with Mexico. 

Well Mr Trump is an erratic 70 years old man. He shows clear examples of poor sleeping habits. He often use tweeter late at night when the other people are resting.

Today activities for me are the following ones: accurately compiling a grocery list for me 
Gym is next  I have Turbo kick with Scott and then Zumba with Suzy

My mother is well. She is back in Italy undergoing her therapy for an ailment at her bones. 

She is following  hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Italy. It is a slow process for her.

There are a lot of people with her undergoing the same therapy


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