Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wednesday June 14th 2017

Already it is a hot day already I am staying in an AC environment for as much as I can.

I do not mind a few minutes of Sunbathing as it is good for my skin, the vitamin D of my body and all the functions that are associated to a moderate sun exposure.

The feeling good hormone Serotonin is stimulated.

I am careful in applying the sun screen cream everyday.

I get my sun light in the morning waiting for the Swain Center to open to all patients.

The Swain Center is an empty room without anything of value in it. There is a bunch of chairs and a big table. The chairs do not have any protective pads at the extremity of the legs. Every time a chair is moves it obviously make a screeching noise because of the friction with the floor.

Here is a picture of what I am referring to.

A simple physical facts with a simple solution, Use protective pad for  the extremities of the chair in this way the floor will be saved.

Today first of all I checked my blog permission to make sure my Case Manager's email is included.
She mentioned a couple of times that she was not able to read it.  I changed the access permission to a few selected people removing it from being a public document posted on line. Well this is a long standing story.. I will hear at some point in the future.

Already my Case Manager has perhaps the solution. She needs to create a new gmail account because the software is not taking any email from CNS.

Hopefully this matter has been moved a step close to the solution.

I slept very well last night and I woke up ready for a new day. Sleeping well makes a huge difference as I feel fully restored.

Today I  had my  first part  of the money management program completed.

On Wednesday I am requested to provide  my receipts at the reception at the apartment in order to fulfill my obligations with he program.

Tomorrow is the day when I get paid.

During the past days I have been cooking  some  black beans in the slow cooker.

The crock pot is the perfect cooking method to use in this case because  it provide  a long and slow cooking time. Hence the fiber in the beans is fully broken down. I seasoned the beans a couple of time by interrupting the cooking process. It all worked fine.

 I would like to store the beans for a couple of weeks. I prepared smaller containers that I have properly labelled and set in the freezer.

The other day I had eaten some food here at the Homes of Hope. It disturbed my stomach.

It was  a Chinese  fast food  from Panda Express.

 I am not used to eat it and it  gave me stomach ache.

In my own judgement it is beyond the scope and quality of the food I am eating normally.

I am definitely used to eat differently from the others because I was the only one reporting this food disturbance.  This shows how much my body  is sensitive to the food quality.
I do not drink any soda, simply I don't care for it.  I prefer water.

At the apartment I have a carbonation water device called Soda Stream.

This makes all the carbonated water I need.

I am spending a lot of money on food every week, buying all fresh produce and ingredients. a lot of Organic food. Carefully selecting the best of the best at Trader Joe's. Well it sound like I have a lot of time to do my shopping, the reality is that I have barely one hour per week to buy everything I want to buy.

For breakfast a healthy and Organic meal.

Chia seeds, Organic yogurt, High Fiber 9g cereal with milk and Mix-berry cereal.
I had my cooked Oatmeal, a banana and a coffee.

It sounds enough for the morning.

I did my early walk in the nearby park. 

The local flowers near the apartments are always a perfect subject for my morning walk.

Yesterday  after therapy I came back to my apartment.
Got my dinner - the beans were ready.

I  did not feel well with my stomach. I asked Nursing to bring me some stabilizer for my my digestive system.

Afterward I started to feeling better.

I prepared my lunch box for today.
At  5p,m I  signed out and walked  to the 24 fitness gym on Gosford.

 I arrived at  5:30 pm

On time for my classes

I had body pump with Ellie. It is where we work using weight. The class leaves freedom to choose your own weight. So I stayed light, and rather focused on repetition and range of motion.
Particularly when it comes to the lower extremity exercise. Notoriously my legs  have been crooked and it is hard for me to walk with a normal posture. I am trying to bend my legs while keeping my balance. It required coordination and effort on my side. I am using a lot my abdominal to keep my trunk with a  good posture.

Anyway I like walking and I am taking any opportunity I have to walk around. It is a form of physical therapy of course.

The situation is that I lost for ever any capability of driving and additionally thus far nobody is doing anything about it.

Obviously the local people in Bakersfield are not used to see  pedestrian on the street particularly any  Caucasian person on the street like me: they do not pay attention at all.

The locals are closed in their big sport SUVs and vans and do not pay attention to a person like me walking along the side way.  There are very very dangerous people driving in Bakersfield.

 I stereotyped it as being white young female, This type of driver does not pay attention to anybody and in my experience it is the most dangerous drivers  of all in the area.

Well let's go back at the gym yesterday.
I did my first class with Ellie. Then there was the chance of someZumba and Mike. He is  back after his vacation. This is a rythmic dance a good cardio. At the gym there is a packing order for this class. Certain ladies are going upfront and are very very territorial. I have spotted them and I am always staying in the back of the room. I already reported here that once I dared to change this packing order and they really got pissed at me. Let them be. They can not change to be what they are. They do know it. They are not aware of who they actually are.

As always I stayed at the gym until 7pm. I then walked back to the apartment, peacefully and quietly.

At 7:30 pm I signed back in.

The usual routine of the evening followed.

A nice shower and a late snack.

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