Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thursday June 22

I received a new bathrobe yesterday.

It has a cap to dry my hair.

Yesterday evening I was taken to Eyemart Express on Ming Avenue to fix my eye glasses. 

I just needed new nose pads for the frame as the one of the old one came off.

They did it quickly and without charging me a dime.

Hilda was there at the store. I remember her from the last time I was there.

I came back to the apartment distributed the schedule to everybody booked for the movie this Saturday.

I had a great burrata salad. The last for this week because I run out of burrata.

Obviously I am going to buy it again soon. 

I drizzled the  burrata with Balsamic glaze and Olive Oil.

A great Summer salad did pair well with it.

I had still time left so I signed out and walked to the gym. 

On my route I stopped by  the Upper Cut family hair salon on White Lane.

This is the cart of the place. 

Simona mentioned I was there just at the beginning of the month three weeks ago.

She is right, it is written on my memory book I was there on June 2nd.

Well it is boiling hot in Bakersfield. I wanted to have a hair cut.
She I had one.

This is a simple no frill  place where I started going on a regular basis to get my hair cut.

The shop  is located on While Lane street on a little plaza en route to the gym.

I can go there whenever I want to go, I do not have to rely on  CNS transportation nor to mingle with the others. I like it this way. I is my independence that shows in this case.

I paid $15 and left $2 as a tip.

I talked to Maria she is a lady that works there. I waited for her to be available.
She has always been nice to me so I am going because she is a very nice person.

She mentioned she speaks Spanish as first language. So I proceeded talking to her in Spanish.
We had a pleasant conversation.

I then  proceeded   going to the gym. I  greeted Cassie who led the  cycle class before. She mentioned that her dad returned home from the hospital. He is at home resting. She appeared to be more relieved.

I mean we all have to go trough tough time in our life. I am a specialist about this matter.

I could write a book about it. I guess "My PTSD story at CNS" could be a great title for it.

 I was able to participate to  body pump with Sylvia. I stayed light and  focused on repetitions and range of motion.

At 7pm I am my Rehabilitation program is such that I am  supposed to be leaving the gym.  
I walked back to the apartment and signed in at  7:25pm

Now my evening  Odyssey began.

While I was taking a shower Jose the sup got inside  the apartment. 

I mean please CNS privacy    !!!

This is the first violation of my own  privacy.

I had dinner and took my sleeping meds. 

I was already in bed. I had taken all my sleeping med: melatonine, trazone and also the Ambient was done... imagine it.   This is the cocktail that CNS is giving me to sleep.

Briefly I was falling asleep, then it was the turn of Daisy Barrios another sup.

She entered inside my bedroom for the love of GOD! 
 A female person that gets into my own room have you ever seen it such a violation of Privacy?
Baranowski, De Luna and all CNS?

I mean c'mon guys  and Jolanta Baranoski. 

You have done enough for a single day?

here is the copy and paste of the email that went out

Giuseppe Rossi

8:17 PM (15 hours ago)
to SimonaMartaJBaranowskiAnnaAnnaakilbyBFLResidential.
Privacy guys! Whenever I am
Taking a shower you are expected to stay out - not because Sokolosky claims she heard something that you act ....
Let's understand and agree on respect
Don't bug me ever again
I would appreciate it
I hope it is well understood

Get your own employee in line please ...  you are paid after all for doing something.

Nothing is better than bugging me again..

Rules at CNS do not apply obviously.

I am deeply annoyed at every body at CNS.
I hope it shows up. I called my IPC - great responsible person to complain about all this matter.

I am feeling  like a baby complaining  after his mom because at the day care he has been treated  unfairly by a teacher.

C'mon CNS Jolanta Baranowski and Sups you are really paid for this mess ?

It means to me that you are really pumping money out of the Insurance  if this is what you are really paid for...

And for what?  Because the adjacent patient Mona S. wanted attention and called you all on me?

You know that this senior lady is out of her mind most of the time, if not all of the time?

Dear CNS I am using her name on  purpose to state that

Dr Giuseppe Rossi formally ask you to keep Mona S. away. The senior lady is a nasty behavioral person. 

I am continuing  to be deeply annoyed with all the CNS personnel for this matter.
I  am sure nothing is going to happen to your personnel as it has been the case for the past  matter.
They all keep their job as if nothing had indeed happened. 

This is just annoying to me. You keep going on if it were alright- after all this is your sad job.
A job that is supposed to be of service rather than of bugging people.

Also when do you understand that Mona's claims are the ones that are based on fallacious facts.

She is a crazy and - most of the time - nasty person.

She is obsessed with me and you feed her obsession hence you are equally at fault.

Her fault is being just nasty, your fault CNS is being incompetent.

You all pick the worst.

Please CNS you do understand you are walking a fine line ....I am very anxious to pay you all back with the same currency disrespect.

I do care for my own kids, They are at home relaxing after going to tennis camp in La Canada.

For lunch they had Carbonara pasta that was done earlier by Simona my wife.

This is a very good and healthy pasta.

It is made with cooked pancetta, onions, Parmesan and  raw fresh eggs.

The eggs get cooked by the heat of the pasta..

It only requires a bit of pepper to adjust the flavor.

There is so much dust in Bakersfield.

I keep cleaning the apartment and the dust keeps just building up

This morning I used the spray to clean my surfaces in the apartment.

My bedroom, all the picture frames, the furniture in the kitchen 

Pledge spray was the product I  had used to remove all the dust.

The air of Bakersfield is really filthy  and its quality is really poor.

I keep cleaning inside the apartment and the dust keeps building up.

So this morning I made time to use Pledge around my apartment,

I hope it will be staying cleaned for one of two days.

We will see.

This is all for today. Frankly I am offended by CNS.

BTW it is a hot day but did my lap at the park.

Also it is my pay day as every Thursday. 
I get from the Insurance $75 for Grocery and $24 for outing.

Frankly my wife do take care of the rest for me. 

I am not expecting CNS to meddling with my life.
I expect CNS to stay out of it.

Imagine how would be a day without the CNS around.

It would be a really great day,

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