Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday June 27

Yesterday evening I came back at the apartment.

I wrote the following letter to my boys.

Because I run out of writing  papers and envelopes I later went at the reception to get a new supply.

The family is doing fine.

Last year they were visiting my family in Italy

They had time to play with the cats at my brother's house in Verona

The cats were little ones. The boys were also  younger than they are  today.

Here is Chicco playing with Farang

Here is Lapo playing with Morgana

They enjoyed so much the cats that they asked Simona to bring them back to California to play at home.

Simona was successful in fending off their requests. So they stayed back in Verona.

The cats have grown since then and so the boys.

Here is the black cat today. It has become a small panther.

Yesterday evening I cooked myself a good dinner and then went to the gym.

For dinner I made a good salmon fillet with a side of Quinoa

It is wild  Atlantic Salmon. 
This is far healthier than the farmed raised one.

It cooks very quickly in a large pan. 
I am  using Coconut Oil to protect the pan.

I sliced small cherries tomatoes, seasoned the salmon and added Lemon Juice.

It does not take much to cook the Salmon. 
A few minutes per side is enough.

Turning the salmon with a large spatula is a good example of  cooking skills.

As a side  I also cooked Quinoa.

First I washed it  under the water to remove the bitter coating that it is covered with.

I used a fine meshed colander to wash it under running water and a spoon to  turn it.

I washed it very carefully.
It  is recommended to cook it using some kind of broth.

Hence I added to the water a piece of a bouillon cube that Simona has sent me using Amazon.

It gently boiled for 20 minutes while the water got absorbed.
The Quinoa opened up and revealed its crunchy texture.

Quinoa is an ancient grain. It is a very healthy grain with a lot of protein from vegetable source.
It pairs very well with any food.  You can make Salad with Quinoa or alternatively use  it as is by itself.

After my dinner I cleaned the apartment by running the dish washer, washing the sink and  taking care of the kitchen floor.
I like to stay in a clean environment. 
I am very conscious about the status of the cleanness of my environment.

I went at the reception and a sup Cassie dropped me at the gym.

I had my yoga time and then afterward I had my cycle class with Misty.

I did yoga with Lilli to start.

At yoga we all do light stretches and then some other poses that I found too challenging for me. So I gladly passed on it. 

I use it to realign my back and to stretch my body. It is working as it alleviates the pain I am sometime   sensing in my back. It is my piriformis muscle  that at time annoys me.

As mentioned afterward I had cycle with Misty.

It is a fun class were the instructor makes us modulating the resistance of the static bike  to emulate a real life experience.

I  know that Misty has two dogs. So before leaving I asked her about her puppies.
She mentioned they are doing well, and that they are no longer  puppies.

Anyway she appeared pleased by me asking  her about her dogs.

At 7pm I am supposed to be leaving the gym. So I  stretched my body and start leaving. Normally I should not be left waiting at the reception. I was not in the mood of waiting.

 I do not like this arrangement so I was taking off a few minutes later. 

My contract with CNS states that at 7pm I am to leave the gym.

Anyway I called Anna at the reception to let her know about my whereabouts.
And sure enough CNS remembered suddenly I was picked up along the way by a  guy working for CNS.
His name is Isaac. He was late.  
So I started walking by myself ... I am annoyed by them neglecting about me.

They humiliate me  and made me wait at the gym facing all other normal people that are living when they like to leave.
Yes part of the daily humiliation is to depends on the poor record CNS service.

Me I am not normal because CNS is  charge. My experience is that CNS is very lax with its own terms and conditions. Nobody looses its job. Whatever happens.

Like that time when an NRS locked me in the van without AC. Maria  Ramirez is still working at CNS. No consequence what so ever dear Maria. 
Name and surname are spelled out clearly.

No adverse consequence of her doing. 

As a matter of fact had there been a dog with us we could have hold her accountable in firmer terms dear Jolanta Baranoski and CNS..

As such I leave when my Program says I am leaving. 

The fault is on the NRSs not complying with the terms and conditions of the coverage contract.
Anyway   had I received a dollar for any of the CNS shortcoming... you know the rest.

 I signed back in at 7:30pm
I had time to take a shower a light snack and my meds. At 9pm Nursing  came with the Ambient sleeping med to  help for me.
This morning I had a light and filling breakfast

I got outside hydrated myself very well.

I I did my morning walk in the park

As always I get the newspaper of the day and then waited diligently outside the shack - this is the term I am referring to call   the Swain Center. 
Me waiting for the shack to be open. 

It is actually a precise terms. Because all it is is shack,  nothing of nothing in it. 
Just a bunch of tables and chairs. There are some game -yes game for the ones that are staying there.

This is the high tech rehabilitation process for which CNS prides itself.

I frankly can not stand the shack, this respect it is a very simple and small building. 

Very therapeutic presence.

Nothing of nothing. 
I know it, the  reader knows it,  CNS knows it.

An  interrogation room of a prison would have the same amenities.

So why not call it Interrogation room or Inter room for short?

I waited to leave and then I was taken to  the so called "  Work Program"

I had a very fast lunch at the Homes of Hope.
There is a very small window of opportunity for me to eat peacefully.

You see in this side of the great America there is not much value put on eating.

Everything should be treated as Fast food. They do not have the knowledge of the pleasure of eating peacefully.

I can see it by the way I am treated here at the Homes of Hope. There is only a small window for me to eat then it gets overwhelmed by poor manner screaming kids.

In fact it is believed you eat junk food very fast without  enjoying it.

On the contrary the civilized world I am from has a different approach with the food.

So my kids here, so may unpolite kids. 

I would love to stay  away from this  annoying kiddos that are free to roam in this place.
Kiddos with little manner, kiddos that are far from be polite, kiddos that annoys me a lot with their poor manner and way of living.

This place is overfilled with kids.

Do you know the story of the magic flute player that drove of the annoying infestation rats away from the town they had occupied? 
See the picture to the story I am referring to?

I feel bugged by these little guys screaming and wimping over and over.
They are not my kids, nor they behave like normal kids.
Hence I am assuming my right to dissociate myself from them.
Most definitely I am annoyed by all this kids around.

I wish only they all could go somewhere else.

I have not asked for this prison.
Have you perhaps?
Please call Pied Piper as soon as possible
I can not handle it anylonger.

I have done anything in my life to deserve this environment dear CNS?

Well next Thursday my mother in Italy will have some house improvement at her home.

She is going to have installed the first unit of the new AC system. In rapid succession the plan is to install the remaining part of the AC system. In this way she is going to be better coping with the heat in Italy.

By the time my wife will be able to go to Verona my mother should be set with the new AC system

Dear CNS you are in a clad iron, you know it you can do nothing wrong because you are always right.
Unfortunately there is nothing to be proud off.

It it were up to me I would let go several of your NRS personnel  dear CNS

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