Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday June 2 2017

It is a warm and nice day already.

I am wearing shorts and a light T shirt.

The flowers are always a great subject for my morning pictures

I have been walking in the park to enjoy the day. 

My light and healthy breakfast as always: warm Oats, peanut butter, honey combined together.

Cold cereal with blueberry and mix-berry nuts.

A coffee to start my day.

There was no newspaper available today, however I had a chance of reading the one from the apartment. Currently I am attending therapy at the Swain Center until it is time to come to my work program. This will happen for a big longer because due to unforeseeable delay the new clinic is not ready to host the patients for therapy.
Anyway for the ones that have volunteering placement like me it is alright.

Today's paper  is dominated by the withdrawal of the United Stated from the Paris accord.
This accord provide  a framework for the world to moderate climate changes.

According to the current US administration it is imposing an unjust burden to the whole US economy. The current US administration is also questioning the science at the base of the climate accord. 

It is telling it is  based on unproven science.

The current US administration  stated it does not buy the  argument the scientist are putting forward.

The rest of the modern world- reads Europe China and Japan- is leading the effort on climate controls. 

Apparently the ones that believe this is just a big scam are the ones in power in Washington.

Well, they have been elected on a clear platform.

They are in the position of command as an expression of the US population.

Let's just leave it to it. No further comments are required on this matter.

My father in law often invoked the "Teorema del Quercia" to provide an explanation to profound difficult issues.

For the ones that are aware of it, it is a golden rule that can be verbatim  applied to this moment .

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment to compile my grocery list for shopping for this Saturday.

I made an accurate list - all healthy and raw ingredient. I like to eat healthy and Organic food.

I do not buy any type of junk food as it does not appeal to me at all.

I had a crockpot ready with the chicken breast.

So dinner was ready. I ate it but I did not like it this time. I am bored by eating chicken that does not taste much in the crockpot. Next week I am going to buy some good beef with a lot of marble connectivity tissue. I already try it and it tastes really good.

I signed out at 5:45pm and Stefani took me to the gym. Yesterday I had turbo kick with Scott and later Zumba with Susie.

The class was full of ladies attending the Zumba time. Some more composed than others overall an hectic environment.

Among many known people there was Lucy. She is a nice person very heavily injured.

The skin of her face and arm is all a big scar, it is a if a bottle of acid had been broken on her  body.

Anyway I see her on a regular basis a the gym. This means she is doing fine.

Following   my program  I left at 7pm and walled back to the apartment where I signed back on at 7:35pm

I slept well and  rested peacefully.

I gave my last sticker to Delina the nurse that brought me my ambient.

It was a special day for her family as well because of her daughter.

Having a good night of sleep is key in life.

Today I am turning 50 years old.

I had a call from my wife greeting me happy birthday.
She mentioned I could reach the boys at home. They were happy to wish me happy birthday and then they were off their activities.

I talked on the phone with an old friend of mine.

My phone never rings when people call me. Granted I leave it on mute but as a minimum it should start buzzing and I should be able to detect it at my belt. As a result I am losing a lot of phone calls.

I lost mt brother's call as well.

In  Italy June the 2nd is a national holiday to commemorate the funding of the modern republic.
In fact this day is called Festa della Repubblica Italiana and commemorates the success of the referendum  -held at the end of the II war world -   deciding which type of government was best suited to run Italy.

I try to call him back but his phone is switched off.

My mother mentioned that he might well be gone to do paragliding in the air.

I called his home in Verona and found his wife Sara.
She mentioned that their three years wedding anniversary came up a few days ago and that tonight they have  reservation at  a restaurant to celebrate the event.

I received a phone call from Marco. My phone did not picked it up it went straight to the answering machine. You see I am loosing the few phone calls I am receiving.. not many to tell the truth.

So I called him back. He his doing fine. He lives in Paris and he has a family over there.
He was happy because he was able to find a new job. Last time I called him his company had laid off and closed the door.
So he started looking around for a new job. Well  the attrition of the market is quite different between the continents.

I am not aware of the present condition of the market in US. I  have not  been involved for many years since last time I worked... which is many years ago.

Oh by the way aren't they green?


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