Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday June 5

Last Friday it was June 2.

Per my program I had left Homes and Hope at 2:30pm

In reality I had been waiting outside to be picked up by CNS transportation.
Transportation came very late. While my program says I am supposed to leave at 2:30pm CNS and transportation came at 3:30pm. Alex told me that he was about to leave when he was asked to come at HH to pick me up.

How I felt? Obviously really poor, borderline with insulted and neglected.

The reality is that nobody at CNS is at fault. 

I just saw Maria back at work.

it looks like nobody is ever given any special things for negative performance at CNS.

I have to say CNS sorry for you... you are not as good as you claim

This is what you have to accept when you rely on a service that had been poorly provided.

CNS doe not obviously care about their score on quality. Otherwise the responsible for it should be identified and a disciplinary action taken immediately. Rather Melanie R. came today to apologize saying it was her fault. Well dear Mealnie R. how about your turn of paying a fine or being reprimended.. If you are really working at CNS you should have the guts to stand up and to pay a fine for your mistake. Because you have make a very big mistake.

Of course everybody today is  very apologetic, yet I would recommend you the humiliating experience of waiting for a service that never comes. Of course CNS is fine with all this as they get paid the same amount no matter what. A really uplifting experience, one of the many at CNS anyway paid for performance? not really at CNS.

 I was taken to the gym for Zumba. I had my Zumba class. Carol zipped away as always since she has started doing lately... it is fine her choice, beside my phone does not take good picture of her any longer.

Salve was kind to stay with me and to pose for a picture with me. I texted the same picture to her.

Afterward I came back by myself.

On the way back I stopped at Supercut to get a haircut.  I walked out from the gym and stopped  by  the hair cut shop where walking-ins  are welcome.

This time Rose did my hair. Last time it was Maria. You see I am a recurring customer at this place.

They do not call me Joseph_CNS like the Great Clips place did the last time I was there.

Immediately  I  cut off the relationship with them.
 I am done with that place for good. I got so offended by their poor customer relations. Beside to get there at Walmart place I have to go with CNS.. no thank you but I rather avoid you all.

They keep sending me coupon to go back... well sorry

 I typically get in and out of Supercut by myself,no other CNS customers around to bag me.

I like the Supercut store, it is a no frill place. People are nice beside I can walk there whenever I feel I need their service.

On Saturday June 3 I did took care of the whole apartment - washing and cleaning the usual things.
Specifics are nice yet after a while it gets highly repetitive.

As I was done I  went to Trader Joe's by myself.
I spent $99.5

It was a special day for me Jamie allowed to take me a picture with this nice background.

Here is Jamie cheering for me. Please note my haircuts.

I purchased enough and spent $99.95

I got flowers for Simona as they all knew she was coming to pick me up.

I came back with CNS, the bus was overcrowd by so many people you can not believe it.

Everyone was doing his own business, eating, waiting for Godot to show up... 
you see as I said many times, when you rely on CNS service... 

their services are always overwhelmed.

I am rating it a  D- experience, borderline with F

The accurate one is a  big F for Fail.  As it has been a whole Failure 

One thing that CNS is making me doing for sure  is to seat on my butt and to wait for something to happen.. Do you call the bridge for a meaningful recovery? I call the bridge to  a very average service or  daily humiliation by CNS.

So for the weekend I was at La Canada where I used to reside a long time ago.

I had the following presents from my own family: A shirt, shorts, a T-shirt  a MasterCard  pre-charged card with  spare money. Happy Birthday cards from my boys,

The boys at home had a lot of fun. Building a house in the living room is a great way to spend some time.

I had a good party at home in La Canada.
I am dropping the picture where my mother in law is part of as she does not like it.

The family around the cake.

Here is me with our eldest Son. His name is  Chicco.
He is only 12 years old.

Here is the rice salad that had been prepared in advanced by Anna my mother in law

Our guests - the usual historic friends.
Stefano and his wife Jen. Bob and his wife Raffaella.

The kids had dinner at a different table.

Here is the Happy Birthday Hall of fame 

Notable assents are ... all the family in Italy.

Obviously nobody got it together or cared enough to send me a card.
Not my mother, not my brother not my sister (oh yes that is very very funny )
Do I have a sister? Not really I have an old person that is by blood line recorder as a sister to me... yet she is really nothing to me nor to my family in US. She is a self absorbed self centered spinster... no further comment on this matter. 

Anyway this gives you a clear picture of the relationship status with my people over there.
In  a few words never to see them ever again. Sorry to be blunt but this is the reality of life for me.

Bob and Ra made me a present with a subscription with the National Geographic magazine.

Here I am bringing this picture to show the comparison of my shoes with our eldest son's Chicco.

I am comparing my food on the right- with his on the left.

He has already overtook me as far as shoes size is concerned.

On Sunday morning we went to church at S. Bede.

I have to say that at church it is always the same story.
That is in my opinion it follows the plot of  "Cicero pro domo sua".

Afterward we went to have a coffee in Pasadena at the Intelligentsia coffee place.

Lapo showing off is hat.

Chicco and Simona showing their smile.
Finally Chicco wanted to be in a picture with Simona 

The usual flower for today

And walking at the park

Enjoy the reading
Giuseppe Rossi

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