Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tuesday June 13

Already it is a nice day in Bakersfield. Not too hot today. I am wearing shorts and my summer attire.
Staying cool for as much as I can
Last night I made some Overnight Oats for my breakfast
1 cup of Old fashioned, 1 cup of milk, 1/3 tbs of salt, 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 1 tbs of  chia seeds, one yogurt.

Mix everything in a glass container and chill overnight.

This morning I tasted and it is great as expected.

I am aware of the good delicious taste that it has for my breakfast.

Yesterday evening  I had my dinner with Trofie pasta and a summer salad

I prepared lunch for today and then I was ready for the gym.

CNS dropped me over there at 5:30 pm. I had my yoga  mat with me, it was my day of Yoga with Lilli.

A good exercise of stretching.

I  did what my body felt like doing, no odd poses nor twists. I did not want to come back with a soar body. Apparently I was successful in lessening to my body and in refraining myself . Do no arm, It sounds like the Hippocrates Oat by a doctor.

After Yoga I had cycle. Unexpectedly the teacher was  Cassie Marie.

I am glad she had the time to come to teach at the gym.

Lately she has been busy at the hospital with a family matter of importance to her. 

Anyway because her substitute had a cold and could not make it it was her turn to be at the gym.

I believe it was good for her to get back to  the gym even for a day.

Before leaving I approached her and encouraged her to stay strong.

I came back with Cassandra one of the sup.

I have been going throw difficult time myself together with my family. We all  know it very well.
My family in US  my wife and our kids had time to adjust.  Anyway they are doing well. The kids do have a regular time at home. My wife Simona is keeping everybody engaged . For the past years she has been the breadwinner for the whole family.

The reason   everyday I take pictures of these flowers is because they make me think about my  wife.

Aren't they gorgeous?

Yesterday I came back at the apartment.
 I  checked on the  slow cooker progress. 

I opened it and added some spices to the beans. Then I set it up on slow cooking time for a bit longer.

It takes a while to cook the black beans I had purchased at Trader Joe's.

It is a good source of protein and fiber. A complete meal when paired with some rice as I am planning to do later today.

Of course the day is gorgeous today. I went to do my walk to  the park. Feeling the sun on my body and enjoy the peaceful hours of the morning.

I then went to the Swain Center to read the newspaper. Finally I came here at HH for my work program.

My body is yielding by itself. slowly but  steadily.
Today there was lunch available for everybody at my work program.

Despite me having brought my meal I ate with everybody.

I had white rice, broccoli mushroom and some lean meat.

I enjoyed this food - after lunch the dish I was using said Panda Express.

I had water because I do not drink Soda although there were sodas available for everybody.

During lunch I was talking with a staff - Miss Latwana-bout my eating habits.

I reported to her that I had never eaten at Chicken Wings.
I can say that I am not familiar at all with their food offering.

She was amazed in learning that I  do not what kind of food  the chicken wings is about.

I have to do some catching up regarding the many local  food choices.

I tend to eat healthy and I am always careful on my food.Not because I have allergy, on the contrary I have no food restriction as I can eat a variety of food.
I like a large variety of food. healthy food. I shop well most of the veggie are Organic food.
In fact as reported before the biggest expense for me is related to food items.

Anything else is minor compared to it.

My average food expense around $90 while my income is set at $75.
As my wife told me many time, where I treated like a company with a balance sheet I would have declared bankruptcy long time ago.

So here it is .

Today the little Acer computer at my work place asked to Update Windows 
It took a while to do it but right now it is fine.
Enjoy the reading

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