Thursday, June 8, 2017

Thursday June 8

As mentioned in my post from yesterday,  I wanted to cook some real British style Oatmeal for my breakfast.

And so this morning  I cooked it in water with a pinch of salt. According to the instruction I let it simmer for 20 minutes while  mixing at a regular intervals to make sure it did not stick to the pot.

Here is the Oat I used today

When ready  I combined it with peanut butter and honey for a flavorful morning meal.

I saved the rest  for tomorrow's breakfast.

This morning I had the chance of eating the overnight oats that I have been doing for the past days.

I realized it needed to be prepared again for the next time
I went ahead and made a new batch.
It is chilling  in the fridge in a small glass jar.

Eating healthy and staying healthy is a priority of mine. A lot of fiber for the morning meal is good.

In addition  I also had cold cereal, Organic milk, blueberry and  high fiber and nut cereal.

This is worth 1500 calories according to   the Fit-pal application on my phone.

I completed money management today. I had the expected amount. 

Simona helped to make sure I  am on the right track with my expectation.

So mon amour it is noted. As always you are on top of everything.
Here are the flowers for you

In the morning I did  the usual walking in the park near the apartment to enjoy my day.

This morning there was no newspaper at the apartment anyway I walked around breathing free and enjoying my environment.

I later went to the Swain Center to read yesterday newspaper that I had kept with me. Because nobody had any papers today they let me leave mine there.

 It is the old copy anyway. Good for the horoscope in case you ask my opinion.

According to the net source I am consulting here what the situation in Washington is like.

The riff between the President and the former head of the FBI Mr Comey is unfolding with  more and more details.

It is casting a dark shadow over the President  practices of  interfering with the Justice Department.

Perhaps too complicate of CR for the ones that can not follow it.

The Swain Center  is a very tiny bungalow near the apartment. An old and very crammed place. There a re no bathroom and there is barely a faucet with running water.  It is clearly a prime facilities for the ones that are seeking rehabilitation from a prime rehabilitation center in California.

When I told them I was going to wash my hand they told me you can wash it here...
well for the cultivated person washing the hands means something different.

I  started reading the old newspaper then   Erica came to rescue me and she  took me to  my work program. i.e.  location Niles Street.

Let's go back to yesterday. I had distributed to the whole apartment complex the latest schedule for the week. It happens every Wednesday. Then I also booked for a movie this Saturday for the Maya theater.
I have been told that there is a very good movie showing there. It is called  "Wonder Woman".

I feel it would be a perfect movie to watch together with my wife. She is my wonder woman.

Yesterday evening I spent time cooking at the apartment before going to the gym

I cooked light seasoned salmon in the oven.

I squeezed lemon juice on it.


I made a healthy summer salad with Spinach, carrot, tomatoes.

Today the HH is full of kids that watch TV. The TV shows is the Jungle Book based on Kipling's book.

There are no table nor chair so I am eating while standing like a horse...I am surrounded by little kids being mesmerized by the shows. 

I definitely do not have a very developed parental instinct with other's kids.

I do care for our kids, and that it is.

Here is my staff

Here is how I am feeling during my very fulfilling lunch.

Well, that it is.
I am not in a lightly mood to watch a cartoon. 

It looks like I can  not get away from kids... 

I give you that, they are far less annoying and awful to watch that the others patients of the Rehabilitation place I am currently forced to be located at.

At least they have no oddities, until now. 

I am feeling comfortable at the gym surrounded by normally functional  people 
No physical short coming, no mental strain no odd behavior.

The feeling could not more truthful to the reality

Yesterday I was dropped to the gym on time for my cycle class with Misty.
She is the smiling lady at  my left. So many pictures with her. She knows by hearts the drill: once she is done with the class I like to take a pictures of her smiling. For proof of me being a the gym.

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia Walker. 

As always I focused on repetition and precision of movement by limiting the weight I was using.

This is also saving  me to raise my blood pressure. It is  good for my shunt- it also saves me having a bad back. It is a win win situation

At the end I was feeling great.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave the gym and to walk back to the apartment.
Slowly I made my way back 
I stopped to buy some peanut butter at the Supermarket because I had run out.
It is called being independent isn't?

So it took me a bit longer than expected to walk back and at 7:40 pm I signed back in at the apartment.

The normal routine of the evening ensured.
I slept well but I did not want to go to sleep.

So the medication knocked me out for a bit. It is a fairly fake sleep, it is a heavily sedated and drugged sleeping procedure.

That is why I do not like to sleep... I actually it puts me to bed by 9pm or 9:30pm. By 6am I am up and running.  The cocktails of sleeping pills forces me to sleep of about 9 hours. I wish it could be less but that it  for the present time at CNS.

Sleeping is something I do not like to do, I feel it - and it actually this is it-  is a fake medical induced action. How about talking about this coctail: Melatonine, Trazodone and Ambient .. oh I forgot the Divalproex  twice a day. Night and morning.

This is a mood stabilizer... isn't?

Besides at 6am at the apartment it all starts to come alive: grass cutter, dust blowers, and so forth you name it even if you wanted to sleep there is enough noise to drive anybody crazy.

Oh I forgot to mention the speaker announcing the hydration time... that is because it does not matter to me I am up and running, yet it is annoying if you are really asking for my personal opinion

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