Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Wednesday June 7 2017

It is a nice and warm day in Bakersfield.

It is already hot today. I am using a lot of sun screen to protect my pale skin. I am  wearing light summer attire.

I slept very well last night and wake up full of energy  for my day.

Today's Swain Center was busy for a meeting so we all stayed together under the patio outside the apartment.

I read the newspaper with the news of the day. Mostly for myself as nobody really cares about it. My own evaluation is that there is not enough CR capability over there.

There is nothing enough memory to summarize the news of the day that has just been  read to them. This is what is my feeling and my own experience.

There is a lot of US national  news worthy of my attention.

The probes for the Russian connection into their meddling with the US election keeps unfolding.

The extend of this matter is much wider than previously thought. It is been reviewed by Congress.

The current administration had withdrawn the US from the Paris agreement.  Still there is an ongoing effort to keep a  smaller portion of the participants going. Mostly single US states and Europe.
Anyway this accord was purely voluntarily, so this is the coalition of the willing.

Notable it is the position of California, France and Germany on the related accord

 Well the fact is that the current administration is just delivering on its campaign promises. It was elected based on it. No one should be surprised by its determined  tones.

 That is the will of the people is being implemented.
 Just remember than on a few occasions the will of the people has shown itself to be on the wrong side of history.

This morning I had the receipt portion of the money program management I am enrolled into.

I had returned the whole outing money. I did not use it last weekend because I was at home.

I had spent only the Grocery Shopping money since last Saturday I went to Trader Joe's.

I had spent $99.95

It is all Organic food and good ingredients for eating healthy

Here is a picture of the morning park, or as I called it early birds get the park for themselves.

Walking next to the apartment the roses are always beautiful and resilient.

Very much like my  own family

Speaking of my  family in California  everybody is   well.

My wife is as busy as always while the kids are growing up strong and busy.

This is key for both  their and mine wellness. They are there and I am here. Equally distributed in space. Do you remember the  following books by Richard Bach?

It is called

There's no such place as far away... / Nessun luogo è lontano...

"Can miles truly separate us from friends? If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?"
~ Richard Bach ~

Yesterday  night I  decided I was making a food  recipe for my morning breakfast.

It is an overnight oatmeal.

Here is the list of the ingredients
1)  1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
2)  1/4 cup coffee
3)   1/4 cup milk
4) 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
5)  1 tbs of chia seeds
6) yogurt
Chill overnight after combining all in a glass jar.

I assembled it all in a large bowl

Then I transferred it on a glass container that I had saved

I let it chilled overnight and here it is ready for today.

Protein packed, with a lot of fibers.

Very nutrient.

Last weekend I was at home in La Canada so I did not have a chance of taking my weight.

This morning at the apartment I  got on the weigh scale and here it is

176 lb

I sent it to Melissa my Nurse.

I saw her today and she mentioned she was taken aback seeing my weight today.

As a matter of fact it is filling the blank for last week.

Yesterday evening I had still some rice salad. So I had it for dinner with a fruit and. I signed out at 5pm walked to the gym and arrived there at 5:30pm

I had body pump with Ellie.. a lot of lower extremities repetition and light weight training.

Not too intense for me as my body is not meant to be at all for heavy weights.

Rather I am focused on repetition, range of motion and precision of movement.
I am focusing in keeping my balance while bending my legs... historically something I am limited at doing.

Afterward I stayed for Zumba class with Alex.

A fun cardio routine.

At 7pm I left the gym, walked back  and at 7.25pm I signed back at the apartment.

I got worried because the local phone connection to the apartment was not working.

I called home in La Canada and spoke with my kids.

When I checked in at the apartment it all was OK,

I saw my Case Manager today and I asked her for a raise.

She told me for what? well the list is long not the least because of my enduring survival this is certainly a good starting point.

Just because I have the guts to ask around it is a matter that makes it worthy for  an open conversation.

Anyway the boys are fine. Today  I ate standing in the kitchen as every table was taken very similar situation to  yesterday. Here there is a group or more important persons than me.  Obviously they are foster parents  and I feel  that I have far less right than they have today.
So I ate quickly standing as it has becoming customary here.

This place is becoming very inconvenient for me.

I had brought a rice salad, easy to eat  in a hurry, a fresh salad a couple of slice of rye breads and an apple.

I am not not eating well anywhere. Swallowing my food without having the time to chew it properly.
Is this the best voluntary placement for me dear CNS and Jolanta and oh yes director of HH?

At HH there is barely any place to be, at the apartment there are all sorts of odds sounds around.

The morning is clearly marked by the sound of either the dust removal people, or the grass cutting machine, or whatever that days is in vogue and need to be done.

You see it is all manicured... appearance do matter in life particularly in Bakersfield.

By the way at night there are the patients that are breaking their endless recycle in the apartment below mine. Mr R. is customary to search the recycle in the trash bin and CNS is taking him on this nice scavenging expedition.  Then at night he brakes it all. And so worth the virtuous cycle goes on and on.

I see him quite often with my own eyes when I am going to the gym and he is searching into the trash bin for some plastic to make a few bucks. Lucky they gave him a long clamp to carry with him, otherwise he used to go with bare hands.

Because this is what happens at CNS as well.

This morning before coming to HH with Alex we stopped by at  Edgewater to bring a few manila folders. I suppose it is internal mail.

Here is the Edgewater logo from the web

Later today I hope I am going to cook some porridge...

We will see, my wife Simona mentioned that she tasted it in England and she did not like it.

Well I am very curious about this food. Perhaps we will be of the same opinion.

We shall see.

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