Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Conversation with my Case Manager Sara Wednesday December 3

Yesterday, Sarah and I sat down on her office to discuss the way we see my progress.

Sarah let me talk and she agreed  with me on the following topics:

1 1)   Physical therapy is the key for me as working hard on my body functionality stimulates my brain to regenerate the growth hormone factor (IGF1) that has been affected by my accident.
) 2) It is important  to keep working hard on my therapy and to make sure I am  focusing my best effort in my therapy session.

2 3)  My endocrinologist Dr Madrileho is going to see me by mid February and he is going to confirm that my brain works well without the growth hormone as I have been off for the last couple of months. 

I 4) Dr Zoner in Santa Barbara is my brain surgeon. I will have a brain scan in a couple of months in Santa Barbara at Dr. Zoner office (S.Barbara Cottage Hospital)  to check that my shunt works well. This is a simple follow up step.

5) I  confirmed with Sarah than I am not available to go back home to Simona unless I am fully functional and independent as we have already tried the caregiver route before and I would like not to go back to that situation. It is going to take patience and effort to get better, but I have time and Patience is the key..

65)       It is all good Sarah is an awesome Case Manager as usual.

76)      She is encouraging me a lot to renew my effort in getting better. I am in the Meditation Group with  Matt only.

7) It is all good Simona and I are fully aligned with this  plan and we have Sarah  and CNS backing as well.



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