Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31 last day of the year

Let's gather the thoughts for the new 2015 years.. As you can see it is full of new year good resolutions..

I would like to express my profound displeased for being at CNS and for being provided a sub par service from all of you  people.. Being checked on everything I do .. on whether I  take a shower or brush my teeth or else.. whether I am taking my meds.. or if I am labeling my food items .. this is a way for leaving not dignified even to a dog.. as a dog does not have to check into the house whenever it gets in.. a dog does not have to check out whenever it want to go out.. a dog does not have close circuit camera in his little alcove like me.. a dog is a dog. I feel I am being transformed into a dog at CNS..

I am really tired of being treated like a minus habens".. not being able to do by myself anything..
path finding? here is an idea for Sarah path finding and more independence...

Freedom from all of your patients..
 Enough is enough. Don't you agree?

Particularly  I am really bored by being handed over little tasks that are beyond the capabilities of a normal person.. that have nothing to do with my personal profession..

I am not a normal person of course as I  am not treated like a normal person..
Cant't be a normal person as since according to CNS I am carry around a stigmata. Hence the motto at CNS should be "TBI once TBI for ever"..

 Just in case you have forgotten what was like before it.. I have not forgotten..
Hence this end of the year letter to all of you to definitely mentioned I am TIRED OF BEING HERE..
Understood? To whoever is listening I am totally done with you ..Please Sarah do something..remember the squeaky wheels get the grease

What is the solution?

No solution.. there is no place for me to go..perhaps I should go back to the homeless shelter at the S.Francis church to ask for a free lunch as I am in love with hand outs..

This is the season for handouts.. so please hand me out a bit of CHARITY..

After all I have been homeless for so many years.. stranded in a place that is a foreign place for me.. that I dislike from the top to the bottom..

So for new years it is important to gather my staff and get the hell out of this place.. I have already packed my staff at the apartment: I put all the summer items into two big containers and I am going to trough them away soon.. NEW YEAR BRINGS NEW RESOLUTION...

I  already mentioned to the person in charge of my persona that my patience for those items is running thin..ain't that difficult to trough everything away as a'int that difficult to pack it all and to take it away..

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.. even for a saint - that I am not - my patience is running thin..

So Please CNS and Sarah is you care a bit let me break and go free...
otherwise I am taking my freedom with me everyday of the year..

This is a simple FREEDOM CHART..
I have stopped in many way to bring the news paper to OT. I have also stopped to trough the trash at CNS so that Doug can do some exercise.

Next I would like to stop BEING HERE AND TO GET THE HELL OUT,, without much drums nor much of a claps of hands as silently many of your patients have disappeared and also silently many of your NRS personnel has gone without saying hi (  I must saying showing their cowardly behavior ).
I have to say CNS is the place where NRS are coming on going as at a McDonald place .. obviously  both the compensation and retention package is similar, this is why you have very similar behavior from your low level employees.

Well here is the think I am writing to all of you today..

And of course for New year we will all go to the Swain Center to look into the eyes of our fellow inmate  and to claps our hands and to dance.. a  really  wonderful way to get started with the new years..
You are all invited to assist to this humbling and very humiliating  show of misfits.
Yes I am calling my fellow inmate at CNS as misfits.. no piety no compassion just wondering what the hell..
Have a great reading .. Sincerely
Still capable of making its own decision ..

Thank you for reading and have a great day.

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