Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday December 17

Already today is a nice day here in Bakersfield.
A nice day when I am looking around for my lost skateboard,, Sarah confirmed that she took it away for her son Ian as a Xmas present. It is a perfect use  and a perfect present for a brand new skate board..

Sarah is always looking after me and making sure things are perfectly done..this is why she is my preferred  Case Manager..

Simona is right now in  S.Francisco attending a conference. Our kids are taken care by Marina our nanny. A good friend of the family Laura also came from Kansas to stay at home with the family,

Yesterday it was a Tuesday and this is the unfolding of my evening after the clinic.

 I went home and had a wonderful dinner. I have been preparing dumplings (My wife Simona mentioned that it is  really good and in fact I agree with her). Dumplings from Trader Joe's are very easy to prepare: just microwave for a few minute on a high setting. As a side I have been making staffed portobella  mushrooms. I staffed them with a mixture of crumble bread, Quinoa and spices.
Baked it for 30 minute in the oven and finally for the last 10 minute I used the broil settings to produce  a nice crust on the top.
Really good in fact.. Here is the results of my work at the apartment.

Meanwhile I have been writing a letter to my family. I am writing as much as I can to both Chicco and Lapo about my day..Chicco is an avid reader so whenever I see him I have a pack of letters prepared for him.

Typically I have also a small drawing for Lapo our youngest and also a good loving letter for  my wife Simona.

I have also been writing to Amie's daughters: Madison and Olivia. Amie is our yoga teacher her at the clinic. I normally bring her a very simple things for her daughters. 

In the evening I talked with Chris.He is Steve's son.
I really looks like him.

I did not go the gym as I went to Walmart to do Personal Shopping at Walmart . I have purchased a container for my apartment so that I can get rid off the last carton box and therefore complete my little house renovation project. 

Everything went well over there..I stayed on Budget and stirred away from McDonald as I came back early wit a staff. My wife gave me Personal Money to use so at this time I do not have to request it to my RTC. However I am administering the money very carefully..

Today at the clinic I had CR (PT for the mind)  with Michelle. I worked on the Parrot Program.

1) Parrot Program 7 letter 7 second  completed 20 correct 15, 75% av response time 4.25
2) Memory for direction level 3 completed 38 correct 21, 71% time 4.32

Afterward I had Yoga with Amy. We worked well in the room. I gave her a nice little letter for her  two daughters. A written  letter in English and block letter for Madison (11) and a drawing for Olivia (4). I  am exchanging with them stickers, drawing and letter as a gesture of kindness.

Thinking it thought it parallels what I am doing for our two sons. It is all good ..
Soon It will be lunch time..
Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.

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