Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2 2014

Already, yesterday was a Monday and as I went home for the weekend I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. It is always fun for me to go over there.

 It was a surprise for Jamie seeing me over there on a Monday as normally I am going there on  Saturday morning.

Jamie is one of the nicest person I know at Trader Joe's. We normally chat about our families. Logan and Delaney are her daughter and son. She inquires always about Simona, Chicco and Lapo.

After confirming everybody is well, we snapped this funny picture together.

As usual I have brought the recyclable bags and got in return a ticket for the raffle. 
Then I get stickers for Ian- Sarah's youngest son. I brought the stickers and a small basket to Sarah today and left in her office with a little thank you note.
I am sure she is appreciating my gesture of kindness.
I spent a few cents shy of $100, next time I will go there it will balance out.
Simona left some money the last time she was there. And I have promptly use part of it.

Today it rains in California. We really needs the water as this year we did not have much precipitation at all.
Anyway I had my peaceful breakfast today..

While at the clinic I have brought Sarah a small basket full of  Sticker. It is for Ian her youngest son. 

At the clinic I have worked on my CR (PT for the mind) 
1) Parrot Program 
setting: 7 letter and 5 second  
score 50% 14.05 sec

2) Parrot Program sequencing level 5
                                                            Sequencing level 5
                                                               Attempted 11
                                                                   Correct 14 response time 15.

I then had yoga with Amy. She is always a very positive and pleasant person to work with.
I have brought stickers for Madison and Olivia her two daughters. Olivia is 4 and Madison is 11.

Last week she gave me a bracelet and a wallet for me and I have turned it to my two boys.
Chicco got the green wallet so that he has a place for his money and Lapo on the left hand side of this picture got the bracelet. They were both happy for the little presents. 

She showed me that in her house they have a very cute  Xmas tradition: it is an Elf that is moved everyday as it approaches Xmas. The Elf brings the family some sweet treat. it is a nice a pleasant tradition.

At home we have already prepared the Xmas tree. It is a reusable Xmas tree and the boys like it very much.

It is a very nice tree..

Enjoy the reading as it is time to go.

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