Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday December 16

Yesterday after the therapy I came back to the apartment for a dinner.

I prepared chicken tender on breaded on crumble bread..seasoned with light spices and dressed with orange juice.
A side salad with spinach and tomatoes then completed the dinner.

Afterward  I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was Yoga bight.
As usual Melissa was ready over there to great me with a smile and to pose with me for a picture.

After the yoga Erica the teacher came to snap a picture with me.. she is the lady at my right hand side.. My yoga mad is also shown below. Amy the Yoga teacher from CNS has brought it to me. 

I went to the gym with Maricela. It was the first time that she was coming to the gym with me so we helped out each other on the schedule and on the use of the radio from the van.

After the gym since I had as usual only a hour worth of coverage it was time to go back to the apartment.
As I was explaining yesterday to Maricela.. it was too late and too cold to stop by along the way for a long neck.. she quickly agreed with me and so we came back home. After a shower and a light snack it was time to go to bed.

Today I wake up early as usual and did all my staff.
I had all my breakfast and clearly enjoyed in peace..while lessening to NPR radio.

The newscast  from the world is  always a good source of information and I am enjoying lessening to it...

I had my breakfast -lovely - thanks  washed everything and left the apartment in order afterward it was time for me to get out.. 
I feel claustrophobic being in that apartment.. my real life starts whenever I can being outside at the gym or else..The gym is whenever I have all my acquaintances as I normally meet the people I am familiar with over there. Some of them disappear from one day to the next.. hence they are no important .. let them be gone..
I my self will disappear one day.. 
Until then mon pot tu n'as pas compris comment quelle est la situation par la.. 
Tu vas parler francais jusqu'a' ce moment la?

Quizas tu puedes ablar en Espagnol tambien..

Oppure pui parlare in Italiano visto che eri Italiano..

Until them you pick the language to speak..

You see the one who gave me the idea to switch languages a lot? 
Well odd to say I have got the idea from Lapo our little one.
He speaks Spanglish, a mixture of  both languages as at school he speaks English and at home with Marina our Nanny he speaks Spanish a lot.
He is spending so much time by himself and with Marina that he is adopting her language as well.

Well enjoy the reading..

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