Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday December 29 2014

I have been at my formerly home for the past five days,
Over there it is always a busy place and particularly a place that I seldom recognize  as still mine.

Over there I am not any longer knowledgeable of  doing anything hence I feel very inadequate and unworthy.  There is a sense of in adequateness when being there..

My wife being the breadwinner of the house makes her very best to get things under control.
In doing so she is growing in a very odd way our two kids.,, I guess they are never busy doing anything whenever I am there.. hence I am very happy when I am not there.
In fact I am looking forward for not going back to that place formerly known as my  home.

In addition I am doing anything that I really want to do..
I am not allowed to cook,.I am only allowed to clean around my own staff.. I prefer to clean the apartment that I recognize as being my place..although on loan from CNS.. after more than two years is that a place to call home?

I had a great coffee at Intelligentsia

A great Sushi at Whole food..

I had a great pizza at Blaze Pizza - a pizza place where you order food on the go..I think it is a franchise here in California.

This is Chicco eating pizza with us.

We had a coffee at Intelligentsia a very good boutique coffee in Padadena

Chicco and Lapo having a snack after swimming..

my second breakfast.

At some point along the week we have been taking the boys to swimming lesson at the Rosebowl.

As it is cold both the boys have been swimming on the heated pool,
The instructor  - the girl with the white hat- is Jessica.

Maurice the other instructor wasn't working with the boys this time.

The other aspects of the visit is that  I have figure out that I was on my company's insurance for 14 moths after my stroke. Afterward I was switched to Simona's  group insurance as there is no Preexisting condition so Simona was able to pick me up immediately.

I have understood that as my virtuous gel  got removed from my left hand eye as I had a vitrectomy  
I am checked for a possible cataract on on my left  hand eye...
I guess there are money to be spent on the health care insurance .

By the way CNS was kind enough to give me  some two years old medication.. 
I mentioned to them that next time they are  packing it with me I will be trowing away..

For  Xmas we have been playing tombola with Raffaella.
Lapo won a lot of prices nevertheless he was crossed. Here is a picture of Lapo scrooge..
 it ended up with a big laugh from everybody.

Well here it is..
A wonderful aspect of being TBI is to have wonderful care all around..
I  also recommend you to get a TBI hence you can joint the team..
You know we are running low on patients around here.

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