Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday 3 2014 posting

Yesterday after therapy I had a nice home prepared dinner 
Broccoli, stuffed mushroom and tostadas.

After dinner I went to the gym. As usual I snapped a picture with Melissa.. She is the lady at my left hand side. She went to Temecula for Thanksgiving so she did not take me anything back.. 
We kidded that if she was going to the beach it would have been nice a little bit of sand..

Yesterday we were supposed to have boot camp but Johnny was sick so we worked out a bit at the gym. Afterward we had Zumba with Mike and I started dancing the Zumba with Mike.
At the gym I greeted Jenna and she introduced me to her husband David. I have been knowing Jenna for the past six month when she was pregnant with her baby boy.
I also greeted Debby and invited her to join us for Zumba. So she had fun with us.

Today At the clinic I worked on my CR (PT for the mind) with Zeina.
I did my best.
I also met Rob and his wife Diana. They mentioned they had a grandson. His name is Sunny.
I did Yoga with Amy and brought to her a letter for her girls- Madison and Olivia.
We normally exchange little gift ad simple present. 

It is time to go..

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