Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday December 11 2014

my life started yesterday at the gym.. after I left this humbling place full  grievances and loss.
I took care of cleaning the apartment. I started trowing away a bunch of staff as I have been moving my old carton boxes into a new large Rubbermaid Plastic Container I purchased the other day.

I am in the process of cleaning all the old staff and to move it in a more appropriate and human I don't consider the present accommodation is  conducive to a fully fledged person.
My wife Simona does not want this staff back at home.. she does not want to take the time to think about where to put it  or what to do with it. So I have determined to take the chance and to do things by myself.. what is done is done darling.. do not worry .. as usual I know to take care of myself.. for the most ..

Just to make sure I am not satisfied with the current  organization of the apartment so I am modifying its layout.

The box I have  thrown away is the carton box at the far right of this picture.

After ward it was my gym time, at the gym I did Cycle with Angie here pictured at my right hand side.

At the gym I greeted  Melissa in Red next to me..She mentioned to me that loosing clothing is a good strategy to get some new staff.. she is going to be using it with her husband next time she is buying some new staff.
She is always smiling and kidding with me ... in that we have started exchanging information about ourselves.

I started doing body pump with Silvia and then it was time to leave and come back to the apartment.
I like the gym as I am in the middle of normal fellow people.. they are all my acquaintance..

I greeted Tom, Pete and Gym.

Before leaving I met and greeted  Janice and Larry two good friends of mine.

Kaila was greeted before leaving..

Why I go to the gym everyday ..
Because it helps my brain to get better ..
Of course I am not allowed to get there by myself.
Yesterday I went with Cristina who actually was a little tight and harsh with me.. 
Next time if possible I would prefer to be with a different person as Cristina clearly has not well chewed the Customer Policy terms of CNS.. Perhaps Tiffany should run a freshener for her.
Actually I noticed that Cristina is always providing service with a scarce enthusiasm.
As a  customer  I would give her a F for her service provided to me  yesterday.. Well it is not only Yesterday it has been a repeating occurrence so probably she is not cut for this type of job.
Hence CNS and Sarah please show me you care by letting me avoiding  this person's service..
They are not worth it of your nor my time.

This morning I have installed some new file at the computer on the far left of the CR room, it clearly needed some major updated and I have done it so thank you CNS.. for being so efficient.. thank you by the way the computer in the right hand side still needs some files to run the Parrot Program.
Again please show us you care by installing it. Some files got corrupted and I am waiting  for the IT people to come in.. Michael just told me we have to wait.

In the bus I met Steve. He is a nice guys.. he comes from Salinas and we talked about Steinbeck the classical American writer. 
He is a nice person and  a good person..

I am happy to be here at CNS..
Not really that is why whenever I can I am going to the gym where my second life starts ..
Thinking about my family..
Yes always but are they thinking about me ? Hard to say as I hardly hear from them on a first time.
It is called being proactive ... so in that way they are not proactive .. I do not really mind as I am used.. I do not receive any letter nor any interesting mail from them .. It is alright.. acceptance of one's ability is understanding that they are not interested in doing it.. hence again I stopped waiting for it.. on the contrary in the mail CNS make me find some business mail from the previous patient Randall Loid. How hard is to change an address? CNS how hard is to inform the US postal mail that MR Randall Loyd is no longer at this address...
Sarah or CNS would you show me that you care ? 
Apparently you don't care enough..
Already let's think about the Grocery list and the movie outing, yest let's think about all this amenities so that I don't feel an inmate at CNS.. despite being actually institutionalized at CNS ,,and forgotten ..
As I mentioned the squeaky wheels get the grease I am very tired of being here ..
Sara I asked you many time how long .. All I have is a piece of paper that I have created..
In my company a good service is provided to customers that request it.. it is called a Roadmap..
in case you need to get informed about roadmap I would invite you to talk to Lester Kozlowski the current CEO at AltaSens.  I am sure he can provide you a tutorial..

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